Example sentences of "i had [vb pp] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
2 One way or another , I had drunk quite a bit this evening , but I did n't need to powder my nose .
3 And I 'm a very keen golfer and I had built up a reputation erm by playing in open tour open tournaments and meeting professionals and
4 I kept my fingers crossed figuratively during the first few months of our acquaintance that neither of us would be sent elsewhere on a permanent posting — permanent until demob , that is — because I had seen quite a few promising romances nipped in the bud by one or the other partner being whipped away by the unfeeling powers-that-be , and when a relationship is developing you do need a few weeks of togetherness to allow it to mature .
5 I had separated out a whole slot for an over-60s magazine , Years Ahead .
6 ‘ By the time I was just 22 , I had run up a clothes debt of nearly £4,000 ’
7 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
8 And so you , you , you I had stepped up a bit in , in in rank , I 'm a but erm there was being , on the social side course being next to the Sir Robert Peel , when we went down there , it was quite handy although I 'm not a drinking man , I never have been , I 'll go and socialize and I 'll have half a pint or two halves but I 'd never I 've never been one to go out drinking .
9 I had given up a good job to go there and when I came back after the adventure I had looked forward to for so long , I was very disappointed with myself .
10 I had lit up a cigarette on leaving aunt 's house , without realising it .
11 In My Early Life he says I had picked up a wide vocabulary and a liking for the feel of words fitting and falling into their places like pennies in the slot .
12 When I had left your house , I had picked up a small bag .
13 I had picked up a bit of surgery from him , of course , so here I am .
14 I had picked up a box of letters and was glancing at them , when Frankenstein returned from above and caught me .
15 They said that , in the narrow passageway , a corridor whose opposite walls I can touch comfortably with two hands , I had picked up an aluminium chair , ripped it in half , swung it around and hit a policeman with it so hard that he had to shield his head .
16 Everything of mine at that stage was still packed , but I had set aside a separate box for tea and coffee things so tea was easy to arrange .
17 One year I had worked nearly a month flat out , every day without a waking hour to myself .
18 I had worked out a peace formula that I thought might be acceptable , but when I showed it to Wilson he scoffed at it as being altogether too legalistic and proceeded to provide me with a formula of his own .
19 I had come home a day early .
20 My heart froze for a second , as if I had put on an elaborate disguise and suddenly been addressed by name — I did n't feel safe any more .
21 Suppose I had put aside a little , even a little , of that money , for myself , what would I have now ?
22 Earlier , I had put down a keyboard part to a click track and so Gregg , Matt ( the Bissonette brothers , Dave Lee Roth 's erstwhile rhythm section — Ed ) and myself went and did Cryin ' .
23 I read the rest of the story ; the gist of it was I had idled away a year on full pay and what was the Government going to do about it ?
24 I had had quite a grounding in this at the City Temple .
25 So the decision was made for me , you see , it was only afterwards that I saw I had taken quite a step — a leap in the dark , in fact .
26 I had wondered how a man in his right mind could want to be with me and decided that no girl in her right mind would want to be with him .
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