Example sentences of "i up and down [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He looked me up and down and with a twinkle in his eye said ‘ Oh ! dear , I think I shall have to let you know after all . ’
2 The owner , a posh woman with a hairstyle like an upright honeycomb , looks me up and down and only drawls , ‘ It 's very expensive . ’
3 Graham , when he saw me , looked me up and down and said : " You 'll do . "
4 She looks me up and down and says , ‘ I 'm Mr Newbegin 's wife . ’
5 She looked me up and down and said , ‘ Oh , it 's you , is it ? ’ and turned back to the wicker hopper on the bike , delving into its depths with both hands , surfacing with long packages wrapped in newspaper .
6 She looked me up and down and adjusted my tie an inch or so ( I 'd gone for green silk and I now had two ties ) , then said :
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