Example sentences of "i can not [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Please note that I can not undertake to reply to individual queries from readers however I will do my best to answer questions from readers through the medium of this column .
2 Please note that I can not undertake to reply to individual queries from readers however I will do my best to answer all questions from readers through the medium of this column .
3 The going will be a bit tough , not because I shall use sophisticated techniques ( I shall not ) , but because I can not avoid producing in fairly quick succession a sequence of ideas which will be new to many of my readers .
4 I can not hope to think clearly when you are near me .
5 I am glad that you have had orgies at Jay 's — I am jealous , but I can not hope to play if I want to work .
6 I can not stop working on this just because it is dangerous .
7 I can not start to live again as I used to . ’
8 What sort of twisted thoughts went through my father 's brain at the time to make him choose such a name for the child I can not start to imagine , but that was the name Angus chose for his new son .
9 I take him at his word , for I can not go to see for myself , not being male .
10 I do hope you wo n't mind fearfully , but I 've said I can not continue to serve under the G any longer .
11 Mr later on in her evidence said , quote , I consider that after six and a half years , I deserve to have a life of my own , it is not a prison sentence , I have done nothing wrong , I wish to be free to give assistance at my choice , we can not continue to live in our present home , Michael and I can not continue to look after Anna in the way we have .
12 ‘ I have lost my daughter , ’ she told Judge John Rutter , ‘ I can not bear to lose my niece as well .
13 It is relief , I think , and we must marry soon , I can not bear to wait , and you wo n't mind living in a little house in Vetch Street when you are used to this , will you ? ’
14 I speak truth because I can not bear to live otherwise . ’
15 ‘ Now remember , ’ he said , ‘ I am not angry with you , but I can not bear to live with you at the moment .
16 I can not bear seeing her again .
17 But I can not bear to see the stars , even though I know they 're there all right , and I do see them , because Tod looks upwards at night , as everybody does , and coos and points .
18 I can not bear to throw things away , partly because of my upbringing and partly out of sentiment .
19 I can not bear to look .
20 I can not bear to think of her as laid in the dark grave . ’
21 Soon I shall start snarling at visitors and grubbing for nourishment in the fields , simply because I can not bear to think of myself in the same category as Betty , and she has laid claim to humanity .
22 I read one , or sometimes two , descriptions each night , curled up in bed — I can not bear to read any more , because each one sends my brain reeling and spinning like a moth round a candleflame .
23 It 's a cowardly thing to do , but I can not bear to face her … not yet .
24 I can not claim to know better , I know nothing , I never have known very much , but I fear for her .
25 I can not claim to have read it all but it seems massively comprehensive , and certainly useful for libraries .
26 I can not claim to have undertaken a comprehensive content analysis of the literature , but it is very unusual to find systematic analysis of the ‘ state ’ as such in works on Japan written in English .
27 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
28 I can not venture to say whether the shake-up which we thought World War two might have given to Germany has done it .
29 I can not promise to do that immediately .
30 I can not promise to make you into a world authority on ingredients , but I do hope to share my passion for good food with you , and to inspire you to try a different type of tea or a new way of serving pasta .
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