Example sentences of "i can [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My husband tries to be sympathetic , but I can tell his patience is running out .
2 And I can tell your Mum
3 Well , I mean I take the view that if we are going to erm have something on the agenda , I can telephone his secretary , I can write to him , anytime , which I 'm quite willing to do , I can not see the point in sending things through the post at twenty five P a time when we shall never see the man , and if he comes here
4 I can hold my peace .
5 Now , I can hold my liquor as well as the next man , so it is ludicrous to suggest that when I reversed the club van into the tea hut I was under the influence .
6 I can hold my drink as well as anyone . ’
7 I can hold my end of the conversation from here , if you 'd like me to . ’
8 I can realise my stock and pay twenty bob in the pound if I go into voluntary liquidation now , before Masters of Notts gets deeper into trouble .
9 I 've put in to be a corpse already and then I can laugh my head off on the floor all the way through — ’
10 Is there anywhere I can powder my nose ? ( meaning : ‘ I need a toilet ’ )
11 In September 1764 , eighteen months after they first met , Boswell told Johnson in a letter from Saxony , ‘ It shall be my study to do what I can to render your life happy ; and , if you die before me , I shall endeavour to do honour to your memory . ’
12 There 's no specific area that I can lay my finger on to explain why West Indian kids underachieve … what is inevitable is that a lot of West Indian children particularly the bright ones will do fairly well up to either the beginning or the middle of the fourth year , and for some peculiar reason their progress will fall off towards the end of the fifth year .
13 I can wash his bottle out in two minutes .
14 ‘ All I have to do is make one phone call to the plant manager and I can blow your cover . ’
15 I can draw his face and his expressions , but words are all so used , they 've been used about so many other things and people .
16 Looking at her hair , I can pretend her face ai n't all hurt and that , and that everything 's OK and that .
17 ‘ I just hope I can do her justice .
18 ‘ Now , ’ he says , ‘ I can do my grieving in peace .
19 I can do my regressing when you go fishing , ’ I suggested .
20 so that I can do my exam .
21 I can be a cadet at the local hospital and later on I can do my training in London . ’
22 And I can spread my investment .
23 Oh I mean I I after we after er we may never see look at each other again so my my job is to is to say right I can forward your name to and say look you know er I will make one or two points this guy er needs to be concentrated on , not as an exception , but you know because we 've taken fliers with people before you 've been very successful .
24 Well I can forge her signature anyway .
25 I feel I am wanted only for what business I can bring their way .
26 Dot started to say , ‘ I hope I can bring my Dad down to visit you some day . ’
27 Can you recommend some manufacturers of baby carriers so that I can bring my son along too ?
28 I can combine our walk with some useful work . ’
29 I have an Amstrad PC2086 with a VGA monitor.The mouse cursor does not appear in VGA mode although the mouse still works if I can guess its position .
30 I can guess its import , I dare say .
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