Example sentences of "i can not [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One objection , however , is so obvious that I can not leave the matter there .
2 ‘ But I can not leave the children alone . ’
3 But I can not leave the children . ’
4 Yet I can not relinquish the Situation without expressing my Obligation for your appointment though the Emolument fell short of what I was taught to expect .
5 My right hon. Friend the Member for Old Bexley and Sidcup ( Mr. Heath ) echoed Harold Macmillan 's theme when he spoke to the House on 28 October 1971 : ’ I can not over-emphasise the importance the scale and quality of the decision whether we are going to decide that Western Europe should now move along the path to real unity our decision tonight will vitally affect the sort of world in which we British people and many generations to come will live their lives ’ .
6 With regard to the change to be made in the style of the elevations , I can not entertain the smallest doubt that an architect of your known talent and ability will find it an easy task to design an elevation in the Italian or Classic style …
7 So I think we geologists should not be too bashful to theorise on the basis of purely geological evidence , and I can not avoid the conclusion that at least some of the enigmas I have been discussing may have an origin in the climate .
8 Here 's Darwin saying in a letter to a friend Heaven forfend me from Lamarck nonsense of a tendency to progression and indeed , Darwin 's view was the contrary to this , and here 's another quote from Darwin , after long reflection , I can not avoid the conviction that no innate tendency to development exists .
9 Before any fluttering expectations begin to arise in the minds or breasts — I do not mind which it is — of Opposition Members , I should say that I can not advise the House to write the two clauses into the Bill , because they deal , for example , with administrative matters such as a once-off requirement for a report to be made to Parliament — new clause 2 — and the keeping of a custody record — new clause 10 — that should not be set down in primary legislation .
10 Certainly I can not perceive the electron directly .
11 On this I can not resolve the conflict between the various affidavits .
12 I can not endure the thought of marriage , even with a person of equal or superior degree to myself , and have declined several proposals of that kind .
13 I may not have much to bequeath , but I can not endure the thought of my loved ones squabbling over my best earrings .
14 He was like a schoolboy , never mind that I was behaving like a schoolgirl , I can not stand a man who ca n't cope with me …
15 I can not sleep a wink now ,
16 ‘ One of the safeguards to individuals against libel is the remedy by action ; and I can not conceive a proposition more dangerous than this , that because a company is incorporated they have no appeal to a court of justice if they are libelled .
17 ‘ One of the safeguards to individuals against libel is the remedy by action ; and I can not conceive a proposition more dangerous than this , that because a company is incorporated they have no appeal to a court of justice if they are libelled .
18 I can not forget the visits I paid to Norwich and sat quietly in the reconstructed cell of Julian the hermitess of Norwich , meditating on the Sixteen Shewings of Divine Love which she received in May 1373 .
19 I am prepared to raise a Library order for the remainder of this year 's reprint budget ( £215 ) , since I am not aware of any other potential reprint requirements , but I can not meet the full costs of the invoice .
20 I can not do a good job from a chair on a table !
21 So I do not say , ‘ Believe me , for I can not tell a lie . ’
22 And he was fain to acknowledge the tenant 's insistence that the bargain was sacrosanct : ‘ I can not much saie against that ; but yet I perceaue I shalbe a losser still by this bargaine , thowghe I can not tell the reason why ’ More prosaically , landownership was hedged about by varying degrees of limitation resulting from the security of customary tenures , accompanied as often as not by inelasticity of rents .
23 I can not tell the hon. Gentleman now what my attitude will be at the end of a meeting that is due to take place on Wednesday because the whole purpose of that meeting is for negotiations to take place .
24 I can not tell the farming community that this will be a short negotiation .
25 I have some difficulty in distinguishing between the parliamentary popinjays , or whatever they call themselves — the Pattens , the Patties and the patsies — I can not tell the difference .
26 I now admit that I can not tell the difference — but to hell with it , the sauce is so good !
27 A similar effect of , on the one hand , challenging the reader to take up an alert and interpretative role , and , on the other , gratuitously creating an amorphous but strong atmosphere peculiar to the fabliau through the text , is achieved by extensive use of the homonyms vit and con , and com-/con- as a common suffix in the Romance languages : ( I can not make a long tale : in this castle there was a count and with him the countess , his wife , who was a very beautiful and worthy woman ; and there were [ or she had ] more than thirty knights .
28 If , on the other hand , I abandon my claim to have known yesterday , I can not make the claim to know today .
29 If I can not make the time myself it might still be worth paying Dessie Clancy and his lad . ’
30 I can not make the connection between Mowbray 's fall and these fragments of evidence . ’
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