Example sentences of "i will [vb infin] your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One which , in your case , is , I realise , unnecessary , tiresome , perhaps worse — but I will explain all that , I will tell your referees of the peculiarity of this circumstance , the onus will be on me and trust me , Colonel Hope , I shall not let Amaryllis or yourself down .
2 I will meet your plane . ’
3 ‘ Now I will answer your question , now you have admitted you have not seen the full text . ’
4 If you wish to break your contract I will inform your agent of your decision tomorrow morning . ’
5 I will watch your progress with the greatest of interest . ’
6 look at it , I will wash your hand in two seconds , when you 're ready , here , I 'll just wipe it with a bit of loo roll for now and we 'll wash it when your ready
7 I will bring your letter to the attention of the Parish Council at their meeting next week and do what I can to inform any local residents who may be interested .
8 However , I will bring your letter to the attention of the parish council at their next meeting to see whether they wish to make any further contribution .
9 ‘ Kick me again , ’ said Georgiades , keeping his voice at the gentle , conversational level , ‘ and I will kick your balls so hard that they will fly out of your backside . ’
10 If you believe that you can aid this world by standing on your head then I will hold your ankles for you .
11 I will entertain your offer for his ransom , if he will publicly close his blood-feud against me , and pledge himself to think of it no more . ’
12 Colin Moorfields , 41 , was forced to drive for two hours after the 28-year-old , armed with a 6in knife , said : ‘ Mess up and I will slit your throat and then mine .
13 Give me the truth or I will slit your throat , then go to him and slit his too .
14 And he said , " Very well , I will bless your bottom as it sticks out of the hole .
15 — Then I will dignify your estates of Khara Khitai with the ulus of a Khan , ’ he said smoothly .
16 And I will make your apologies for you . ’
17 The brother carefully laid the groundwork for his request to the politician at the outset , pointing out that he had now received his charter and was qualified as a voter and promising that ‘ you may stedfastly rely I will serve your Lordship on all occasions to the outmost of my power ’ .
18 I shall use it only on your business , and if your business is done and myself discharged before your gold is spent , you will take back the balance , or I will break your teeth with it .
19 She 'd soon had enough of this and yelled out , ‘ I am She-Ra and I will break your balls ! ’
20 However , I will pass your suggestion on to Tony Sabine and Sue Brace who are responsible for the contents of the next edition .
21 Neil Caldwell is on holiday until the 19th January 1993 but I will pass your letter on to him when he returns .
22 I will do your errand , my lord , ’ he said , ‘ and I 'll bring you word again from the Lord Owen .
23 I will hear your confession . ’
24 ‘ As matters stand now , the kingdom is quiet , but I will keep your Grace informed of what events occur .
25 I will keep your son here — and I hope , cure him . ’
26 I will slap your end .
27 I hope that I will catch your eye , Madam Deputy Speaker , on Second Reading of at least one of those Bills .
28 I am afraid Mr Simon Murison-Bowie , in whose area of expertise your proposals lie , is out of the country at present , but I will put your letter before him on his return .
29 I will put your talk as first item on the agenda so you can leave if you wish at the end of the talk .
30 I will consider your proposal , ’ he said slowly .
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