Example sentences of "i be [vb pp] [to-vb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Had I been asked to imagine myself as I would have looked during that time , you can be sure that I would have had the beautiful gown , the ruffled frill and the bejewelled fingers of a lady .
2 Next summer when Pilade is weaned which I will do long before then I am determined to come myself to England if there is no other way and bring my son back here and I have started saving towards it .
3 If anything happens to me mother — and it 's not all that far off really — I 'm expected to pick meself up , go back out there and start again .
4 I was determined to render myself generic by the time I left university .
5 Not all found this easy ; in my own case , I was asked to imagine myself in a cave and paint what I saw !
6 My milk did n't seem to be coming through so I was told to stuff myself with rich food and carbohydrates .
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