Example sentences of "i find [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And there 's one here with a a group of people and I found that a stone wall makes an ideal thing to trick photography with .
2 I found that a Parish Church could present almost the same problems as our Congregational ones .
3 Once more I found that the Gods were smiling on me .
4 After first working my times on my Bühlmann decompression work sheet , I found that the Aladin Pro complemented the SAA tables when diving defensively , though I must stress , I used the instrument as a backup to assist the previously worked out dive profiles .
5 ‘ But afterwards , I found that the noise that I had heard was the springing of rivets .
6 I find this very difficult to erm , to relate , to relate hard work to the women portraying in , in this , we 've got the postcard of that one , erm it must of been hard work and very tedious , but I think every now and then the moment breaks away and shines through at the back , and I think people like , like Gaugin erm captures those moments and then releases them on the canvass , and I hope that erm by , I hope I 've been able to show you how I use art as a voice erm and a friend as my own work , even though we 've maybe had to do such a sort of hand fist way , hand fisted way , erm , but , I , I 've recently started to re-visit old favourite of paintings and I found that the story they tell sometimes has changed dramatically , maybe sometimes when your very little that , that , you know , sometimes dramatically as well , erm , but I , mostly , most importantly its , its still , I still find them , all of them compelling and challenging and , and something to stride for in my own work , erm , er only time will tell so I 'll finish with the , the last poem which is erm comes from the postcard what 's going round which is harvest , its called Patterns In The Grass , Wheat cut and falls , making lion head patterns in the grass , sickle shaped women bend and bow as a naive dressed as a dog steals the evening meal .
7 Tracing the original owner , I found that the wood was from a timber outbuilding , and has been left to the tender mercies of the council or the local pyromaniac .
8 To my dismay , I found that the bleach formula had left my mind and would not be recalled .
9 I found that the edge of my left hand was cramped up when I attempted to negotiate the upper frets and any urgency in so doing was rewarded by a considerable jolt as my hand hit the buffers , so to speak .
10 In two days at Snetterton , first in the company of Benetton 's Formula One driver Martin Brundle and then at the wheel of the Snetterton school 's racing cars , I found that the limits of my own prudence , dependability and , even , sanity were disturbingly slim .
11 However I found that the bellends were n't especially spacious but the larger 300 and 400 Odyssey tents both have extended bells .
12 Well Ja , Janice says we should listen to the children , which is what I did , I interviewed children of divorced parents five years after their divorce , and I found that the children thought that their parents were right to di , to divorce , the parents could n't sustain their marriages .
13 I dressed in black to reduce the chance of being seen and could n't believe my luck when I found that the house opposite his was unoccupied , with big bushes in the front garden that I could hide behind .
14 When I moved on to Agra I found that the appearance of the buildings there had changed noticeably .
15 I found that the strictness with which these criteria are applied varies from region to region , and that the Department of Health is prepared to be flexible if you can argue a cogent case .
16 On my return from Norway I found that the sports hall where I worked had been burnt down .
17 Trying mine on , I found that the trousers were several inches too short , the shirt was missing most of its buttons and the beret was like a sleeping bag .
18 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
19 Stunned , I wobbled outside , where fortunately I found that the rain had stopped falling .
20 Yet I found that the breadth of my Scottish education stood me in good stead in the work of assessing and editing material from the whole agenda of a serious newspaper .
21 However , I found that the EQ had to be spot on before things started sounding exactly how I wanted .
22 Conditioning I 've just had a perm and I 've been blow-drying my hair every day , I found that the conditioner gave my hair a lovely shine and added a bit of life to it as well .
23 However , to my bewilderment , I found that the argument in favour of tobacco sponsorship was not put by some fruitcake from the tobacco industry 's front organisations , but by the general secretary of the Central Council of Physical Recreation , Mr. Peter Lawson .
24 I find that a bit stifling , ’ he says .
25 ‘ And another thing which surprises me , I find that a lunch of bread and cheese has been served to the girls recently .
26 ‘ But it 's not Kinnock ; it 's Mr Gorbachev ; the world has come on to our ground and I find that a source of strength , because at least we know that we 're talking about the capitalist system . ’
27 I find that the minute I write down , erm , you know , somebody phones me and says I want another meeting with you , let's make it for next Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon , and I find within half an hour of me writing that down on the calendar card in ink , er , the people who 's parentage I then start to question , phone back and say well whoops , you know we , we forgot we actually had another meeting then , and so on and so forth .
28 Having seen the various statistics covering police forces throughout England , I find that the Liverpool Police Force costs more than any other …
29 I find that the concept of certain youth expeditions undertaken in wild country areas can , in my opinion , unless strictly controlled , be downright dangerous ! ’ he writes .
30 I find that the conditions prevailing at the time when the reduction in rent was made , had completely passed away by the early months of 1945 .
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