Example sentences of "i know there are a " in BNC.

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1 We carefully skirt the small island of Kayholm where I know there are a couple of otter holts , and if is a lucky day we might find one out fishing .
2 I know there are a lot of boxes piled around the place .
3 Well I think that it 's , it 's a shame that the Y D P did come to an end really , because I mean I know there are a lot of problems with it , but I think that Keith was doing a fairly good job of trying to resolve some of them
4 Erm , I know there are a lot of genuine boxers that are members of the G M B and I want to thank you because we just want to know that .
5 ‘ No , they have n't , and I do n't intend to learn it either , not when I know there are a whole load of strings probably attached to your generous offer ! ’
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