Example sentences of "i know [conj] there are " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , carry on and let me know if there are any real difficulties .
2 Please let me know if there are any other Amicable winners out there .
3 Could you please let me know if there are any planning or highway constraints on the size and design of gates that can be put up in this area and if planning consent is required .
4 Please can you let me know if there are any road works scheduled for the near future .
5 Please let me know if there are any problems with this .
6 Hopefully that 's the end of the saga , but let me know if there are any probs in the future .
7 Life is full of ups and downs and I know that there are going to be bad times to go with the good ones .
8 I know that there are only two cards you can play , COOPERATE and DEFECT .
9 I expect that experienced knitter will have tried most , if not all , of these but I know that there are lots of new knitters who have not .
10 Erm , by hangers-on I mean that there are all the Dukes and the Viscounts and whatever else there is and that whole strata in society , which , I think is English society , erm I mean I know that there are Dukes in Scotland but there are n't so many , and I mean they own quite a lot and I think that it 's impossible to have a classless society because the monarchy perpetuate class divisions .
11 But I know that there are some people here who find such an example hard .
12 You see I would be quite happy y you know i through negotiation to say , okay Askham Bryan College is in my division , I know that there are satellites and so on .
13 I know that there are no easy answers , but if we do not at least attempt to act decisively , Zagreb , Dubrovnik , Vukovar and Osijek could be just the first names on a ghastly roll call resembling those unending , poignant first world war memorials that are such a feature of life all over the continent of Europe .
14 I do not claim to be an expert on the detailed financing of particular aspects of railway work , but I know that there are many useful and worthwhile projects which British Rail could undertake .
15 I know that there are gif sites in the states : wuarchive.wustl.edu is one of them .
16 I mean Preston is about twenty miles south of er where we are but I know that there are gardens north of where we are that do grow good peaches but what they do they cover the er plants during the early spring round about February time and they cover it with very fine ne net , that 's all they need to do with it just cover it up when the flowers are out , make sure that they lift it off every now and again to do the pollinating , get them set and then when the frosts have gone take the net off .
17 And it would be helpful for councillor I would say that I know that there are a third of our members and from the program committees for capital expenditure which I suspect is going to be to excess of the five hundred thousand pounds per year which we actually have .
18 Advising each and every sheep farmer to join the NSA , and support Welsh Lamb Enterprise , he said : ‘ I know that there are many of you here who have not paid what is due to WLE .
19 I know that there are views among the opposition groups about what should be cut out of this budget .
20 And for everybody whose joined after , I think it was last January , we make sure that there is a job description , and that they are given one when they join , and we keep on file erm , but I know that there are loads of people who have been here longer than that some people have got them and they are out of date .
21 I think , though , what 's very important in that as well is that I know that there are young men in the colleges who are really ashamed of the sort of picture that 's increasingly being presented .
22 I know that there are many women who have a very rough time at home , but you 're asking me if I think men have changed , and I think in that way , domestically , I think they have , but I do n't think their attitude has changed in the workplace .
23 M : yes I know because there are some beautiful buildings
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