Example sentences of "i see [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think they 've been watching me to see what I eat .
2 She hoots and is about to say something , but she holds off in front of Darius and squints at me to see what I mean .
3 Yeah I seen her I know just now .
4 Oh , I sees what you mean , sir …
5 ‘ It sounds corny , but as soon as I saw her I knew she was the one , ’ said Blanc , whose first marriage broke up during the difficult years when he was struggling to build up his reputation .
6 The last time I saw her she looked yellow and thin — as if she were made of some dry , friable material and would crumple into sand if you touched her .
7 ‘ The first time I saw him we conversed very closely together ; and in the prospect of death he seemed solicitous to prepare for it .
8 As soon as I saw him I knew you 'd love him . ’
9 I saw the monster arrive from the marsh he looked at the when I saw him I ran
10 When I saw the monster from the marsh , one night , I was , I was , I was frightened , I , I , I , I was he looked liked a when I saw him I ran back to camp and I felt frightened , I hid under my sleeping bag the end
11 When I saw him I said , ‘ I will give you everything you want . ’
12 From the very first day I saw him I began writing poems to him that later grouped themselves into the sequence entitled ‘ Suite Salmantina ’ which , with other poems about Spain , forms the central part of my collection called The Prodigal Son : Poems 1956–1959 .
13 ‘ The last time I saw him he 'd been drinking pretty heavily and he pushed me about a bit .
14 The very first time I saw him he stopped on his way to the front door , three , maybe four in the morning .
15 Last time I saw him he did n't exactly approve of me . ’
16 And er , the last time I saw them they had a Morris Minor a gol Morri er a blue Morris
17 I saw what they did to Alec Davidson and I was determined to avoid such treatment .
18 I saw what she 'd been smiling at .
19 I saw what you do there .
20 I saw what I saw , Penry , and I do n't blame you .
21 Suddenly , I saw something which made me feel ill .
22 There I saw one I knew , and stopped him , crying : ‘ Stetson !
23 When , when he was in I saw he I saw Mark look at that corner .
24 When I saw it I did n't think it was that funny .
25 The second I saw it I remembered what happened .
26 EP : Last time I saw you we felt that we should be looking at some kind of school with weekly boarding .
27 ‘ Then when I saw you I realised suddenly that you were just the friend who would help to make it all a success .
28 The moment I saw you I wished to serve so much excellence .
29 It was a relief when at last I saw someone I knew .
30 So , for example , if I rented a tape and I saw someone I liked , I could call the central distributor for that person 's number and then we could get together . ’
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