Example sentences of "i have [det] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Had I had any idea what I was coming home to , I should have assured in advance that such a likeness would be instantly available . ’
2 It is also possible to express condition through subject-verb inversion in rather more formal or literary style : Had I had enough money I would have bought a new car .
3 By the end of that season , when he won his first championship by a large margin , I had little doubt who had achieved the triumph : Niki is no braggart , but in the first of many longish talks , he explained to me that his nature was such that he really just could n't stand the second-rate ; and if you saw the second-rate around you , you had a clear choice — either you cleared out and found yourself the first-rate or you simply demanded that second-rate people became first-rate .
4 The person was a friend and I knew she was a healer — although , as you will have realised , I had little idea what a healer was or did .
5 If I had any guts I 'd walk out of the front door now , this minute , and I 'd hitch my way to Italy and rent a shack in Tuscany , and I 'd paint trash to sell to the tourists in the Piazza della Signoria , and I 'd paint …
6 And if I had any sense I would never have left there in the first place . ’
7 Not that I had any idea what his present salary was .
8 Well I 'd rather give to if I had any children I 'd have give to them .
9 A lot of my clothes are holey , and if I had more money I definitely would dress quite differently .
10 At least , at least if I had another job you see and er well I 'm taking home two hundred odd two hundred pound a week .
11 ‘ I had about 700 quid and I had some mates who 'd been in Clock DVA , the Sheffield band .
12 Well they could address their letters to myself Councillor David Poole or Councillor Stuart Argyle to the Council House erm the suggestion you know er their the thoughts the thoughts on this what er they could er erm help us in our campaign and also about the leaf stem as well if they want to write to me at the Council House suggesting and I mean proper places to where it should go because that 's really up to County Council but er at least if I had some suggestions we can pass them over to the County Council where where it could go .
13 I had some business I could n't wriggle out of .
14 Listen if I had enough time I 'll tell you the joke of a life time mate , but I have n't got the time .
15 I had this idea they had booked me in for a Caesarean because I 'm small , but had n't told me .
16 I had this idea I had to be civilised , and wait until I 'd obtained spoken as well as physical consent from you — and then spent days regretting it !
17 When I was very young — about 5 years old — I wanted to be a pilot because I had this girlfriend who was going to be a stewardess .
18 While you co-operate with them , the Iranian government will no doubt overlook your political leanings — and I 've little doubt they 'll be aware of them .
19 I 've another mate who always wanted to be an actor .
20 ‘ If I have that reputation it 's nice for people to say that .
21 You mean every time I have that car I have to put petrol in .
22 She heard that : — — Papa is grown stout and has need of bigger trousers but Mama cries he is more handsome than ever and so do I. I have little time my Lily to write because I am put to Latin with the Abbe which is sore hard work and gives me the headache .
23 Instead reply along the lines of , ‘ I do n't think I have any weaknesses which would affect my ability to do this job ’ .
24 I enjoy my job and I have some friends who work with me. and are like my brother and sister .
25 I have some leaflets which might help you … ‘
26 In reply to Mr Pikes letter ( EE April ‘ 92 ) I have some information which may be of some use .
27 It has n't been in the , I cover , but I have some information you gave me , it has n't been in that at all , mm .
28 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
29 I have this feeling I 'll know when the time 's right .
30 ‘ But I have this feeling I ought to do something .
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