Example sentences of "i have [verb] him at " in BNC.

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1 Could I have caught him at a bad moment , could he have mellowed , I could n't believe it .
2 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
3 Eric and I had to restrain him at times when he wanted to do something like throw little Paul into the water to see if he 'd float , or like when he wanted to fell a tree over the railway line that goes through Porteneil , but as a rule we got on surprisingly well , even though it rankled to see Eric , who was the same age as Blyth , obviously in fear of him .
4 Erm , no yo I 've , er I 've asked him at the parents ' evening what he expected us to do for economics , right ?
5 I 've seen him at Liverpool in the players ’ lounge .
6 I 've seen him at the club many times .
7 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
8 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
9 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
10 She says I 've seen him at the shop but he did n't speak .
11 I 've met him at a couple of PFA functions and when it was my testimonial he sent some things down to be raffled .
12 But , oh he 's quite happy , he 'll curl up in the back of a car , but when I come home and he goes so berserk if I 've left him at home , I know that he 's been watching and listening and waiting for me all that time .
13 ‘ This is not the mood , these are not the spirits , in which I 've known him at home .
14 I 've brought him , I 've brought him at half five , because I was at the bus stop , leaning on the lamp-post and it was about twenty five past , and then he did n't come along to the next stop by and it got to twenty five
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