Example sentences of "i [was/were] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 One evening in mid-April , Dr Jaffery and I were walking down the Chandni Chowk heading towards the doctor 's rooms in the Ghazi-ud-Din Medresse .
2 Instead I was looking down the quay to where a pathetically thin girl was walking beside a smartly dressed woman .
3 And then the whole thing swivelled round in my head , and I was looking down the same chimney from the top , and nothing was about to stop me falling down it .
4 I was dragged down the hard , concrete steps on to the pavement .
5 There I was strolling down the scrubby end of the Kings Road , mooching along .
6 Dad said I should wait until it stopped snowing so hard , so I watched from the window , and before very long it did ease and I was sent down the cellar for the fuel .
7 On that occasion , I was moving down a long , straight road with wide meadows on either side of me .
8 As I was struggling down the yard with the fully laden bucket a few minutes later a neighbour , Mrs Woods , saw me .
9 Inside I was guided down a weird stairway and told at one point to watch my step carefully .
10 One day , minding my own business as usual , I was walking down a busy main road in the afternoon when I saw a helmeted security guard standing outside a doorway .
11 Take-off time arrived and the oil temperatures were still somewhat below the criteria , but I opened the throttles and very shortly the tail was up and I was heading down the short runway into a brisk headwind , pointing straight for the little pub outside the camp that had become a second home for us .
12 Next morning I was driving down the single village street when I saw Mrs Bailes coming out of the shop .
13 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
14 I was ambling down a calm King 's Road to my bus stop outside Peter Jones , almost opposite the flat where Percy Grainger lived , and bought a packet of five Players cigarettes from what was then a seedy little newsagent and tobacconist .
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