Example sentences of "i [vb base] [pers pn] has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But I would hope , I mean it has given me the the wish to go on living in a similar kind of situation .
2 I mean he has done time .
3 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
4 No but I mean he has had a bad start
5 I fear she has met someone else , ’ he blurted out .
6 I expect he has fallen in love .
7 He feasted for months , for years , on a small pair of my slippers that I gave him ; I expect he has burnt them by now .
8 I expect he has told you of the tragedy ? ’
9 I expect she has asked you to tell him everything that has happened , and persuade him to make friends and thank me ?
10 I imagine he has gone to say goodbye to Claudine , ’ she announced , although Jenna had not dared to ask where he was .
11 I hope he has gone .
12 I hope he has told the rest of the Conservative party .
13 I offer the Minister the NFU 's five-point agenda , of which I hope he has taken note .
14 It was written merely as a simple introduction to the Alexander Technique and I hope it has whetted your appetite to find out more .
15 The thing about Kennedy is that every time I hear he has done something outrageous I think ‘ Oh God ! ’ , but then I spend a few hours working with him and leave thinking what a good heart he has and how serious he is as a musician .
16 I know he has made mistakes , but for the first time since Shanks took over in 1959 , a Liverpool manager has got a job to do .
17 I know he has done some bar work , ( hardly surprising for a pisshead like Harvey ) I remember seeing him in the Three Cups at Stamford Bridge a few years back .
18 I know he has had his moments in the past , but perhaps he has never been at a club big enough to cope with his particular character .
19 He says he will be faithful , that he loves only me , but I know he has had three affairs in the last year .
20 He says he will be faithful , that he loves only me , but I know he has had three affairs in the last year .
21 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
22 ‘ It should not be so difficult a decision for him in the best interests of an organisation in which he believes and for which I know he has worked so hard . ’
23 but that , it 's not , it does n't , I do n't see that carpet as being a particularly patterned car I know it has got a pattern
24 A few weeks ago I said there were 10 teams in contention , now I reckon it has whittled down to six .
25 I reckon he has got a law case on his hands that he thinks he might lose .
26 Er he was but er his wife is deceased erm but I understand he has remarried recently .
27 I believe she has written other books , you know , though I am sure I do n't know what they are … . ’
28 In our case I believe it has helped all three of us. has been exposed to a greater variety of people and situations which may have contributed to his easy-going nature .
29 It has been tough going , finding out things about myself which were buried deep but with ministry from the leaders and looking to God for answers I believe he has healed not only my drug problem but has cleansed me from sin so that I feel clean .
30 Mr Heseltine has confirmed to us that he is going to talk to the Chancellor on this matter , and I believe he has done so ’ .
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