Example sentences of "i [vb past] [pron] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The sense of disbelief grew when I realised what a truly wonderful prize I 'd won .
2 I found him a most agreeable man and we seemed to get along well from the start .
3 I found him a most agreeable man , a sharp observer , and the possessor of intellectual attainments of no mean order .
4 Albert Spanswick came from the old school of trade union leaders and I found him a more persuasive advocate for health service workers than Rodney Bickerstaffe .
5 I found him a somewhat erratic personality and an occasional pain in the ass . ’
6 ‘ Whatever her failings may or may not be , I found her a most agreeable and willing chambermaid — very attractive for that occupation — far more attractive than the common run of girls , did n't you find ? ’
7 And Gregory : ‘ I found it a tremendously exciting challenge to depict the past as convincingly as I could for the mass-market audience of today . ’
8 And I found it a little strange they were suggesting that an alternative approach may be suitable here , particularly when th the evidence has n't been put forw or gone through the public consultation process .
9 Whether Hardy 's slightly impulsive way with phrasing is quite what this music demands ( all three works are in their different ways Classical in behaviour ) will be a matter of personal taste , but , given the highly personalised response , I found it a most pleasingly seductive recital .
10 I found it a rather disgusting product of a self-admitted drug damaged brain .
11 They behaved towards me as they would to anyone else and I found it a very valuable exposure .
12 I found it a very compassionate account of the unrewarding role filled by many in today 's ever-divorcing society .
13 In turn I told her a little about my own background , as though we were out on a first date .
14 Mr D. Davidson turned out to be Alec 's father and after I had identified myself as an old school-friend of Alec 's — I allowed myself a little poetic licence in this description — he confirmed that Alec still lived in Strondonald .
15 ‘ It had occurred to me that if the substance known as Potassium Chlorate were to be contained in some small vessel with the right quantity of Sulphur , and the compound impacted — that is to say , if I hit it a pretty fair whack with a pestle — the result would be an explosion . ’
16 She came to visit Streatlam to look at the horses and I thought what a very handsome woman she was .
17 This is very embarrassing but last night I got into a bit of a state about not hearing from you for so long and I 'm afraid I sent you a completely mad letter which I …
18 I gave them a right across Cheshire from that .
19 I gave her a ridiculously expensive mouth organ one Christmas , much like a cocktail cabinet .
20 I gave her a very light anaesthetic — there should be some response from her reflexes by now . ’
21 I gave him a straight left .
22 I gave him a slightly edited account of the banker 's concern about Andrew Stavanger 's sudden transfer of his large personal deposit , and of his mysterious non-attendance at his office for over four months .
23 I gave him a hard releasing shove in the general direction of Sam , Perkin and an open-mouthed Gareth and at last watched a dozen restraining hands clutch and keep him from destroying himself entirely , but he struggled against them and turned his vindictive face my way and shouted in still exploding rage , ‘ I 'll kill you . ’
24 I gave him a very expurgated version of the first visit , the week before , and made Conchis and Bourani as dull as possible .
25 I gave it a really good thump .
26 But though I say it myself , I spun them a pretty good story . ’
27 I can assure you I said something a little stronger than ‘ good grief ’ . ’
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