Example sentences of "i [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
2 One hundred ladies kindly volunteered and eight weeks later I asked them to complete a lengthy questionnaire .
3 ‘ Of course , why do you think I asked him to attend the opening of the store ? ’
4 I asked him to take a fresh look at the situation , because my gut feeling is that the decision that 's been taken is not the right one . ’
5 I asked him to get the UFO files opened . ’
6 I asked him to hand the letter to you .
7 Well I asked him to bring the dust bins in .
8 I asked him to play the most tortured , painful lead possible — the most horrible thing he could come up with ! ’ laughs Matthew .
9 When I asked him to itemize the price , so I could add it up for myself , the total came to over £100 less than he 'd quoted for the bundle .
10 I asked her to clean the place and make our supper , ’ said Mother .
11 At this point a friend of mine appeared , whose house is nearby , so I asked her to call the vet and to bring me a couple of bandages to keep the flies off until the vet arrived .
12 I asked her to take an intermediate photograph .
13 I asked her to meet the press off the back of the BAC One-Eleven as it came to a stop in front of us .
14 I ran into Trish in the Covered Market one day , and I felt so lonely I asked her to have a coffee .
15 She had asked if there were anything I wanted from England , and I asked her to bring a large , old-fashioned teddy bear for my small Greek godson , George .
16 I asked her to sign a copy of All God 's Children Need Travelling Shoes for me .
17 I 'm also thrilled by the terrific response to my December letter , when I asked you to pinpoint the key issues that you believe should be tackled by the Government in order to put Britain back on the right tracks for 1992 : not surprisingly , childcare comes high on your list , as it does in the questionnaire .
18 If I asked if I asked you to compile a list of advertisers of companies and businesses who you think will advertise in a medical practice booklet you may you may list out twenty five .
19 Rachel I asked you to take the glasses through .
20 Okay having done that we discussed what the content of the course was going to be and then I asked you to make a first presentation .
21 What we did was he draws them out every morning cos I collared him stuck the towels over his shoulders and said just put us them over there .
22 ‘ I had the chance to go out when there were only four cars on the track , but I made them change the car which meant I went out in the busy section . ’
23 I made him take an oath
24 ‘ I 've bin rubbin' 'im wiv that liniment ole Doctor Kelly give me , an' I made 'im wear a sheet o' brown paper under 'is vest .
25 I made her face the truth , ’ he grated , laying Isabel down on a bench by the door .
26 What do you mean I made it like a brick ?
27 Not that I 'm complaining because I realized they had a job to do , but they were all firing their questions at once , and I do like to give a civil , considered reply .
28 We brought a rescue team and an appliance — ’ I realized he meant a fire engine — ‘ but we were able to get the girl out through the windscreen .
29 As the ship sailed away , I realized I had no idea where I was .
30 I realized I 'd no experience of organizing a memorial party and did n't know anybody who had .
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