Example sentences of "i [adv] had [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I only had four laps practice so I suppose I did all right finishing sixth .
2 Mines ‘ ANTISCUM UNITED ’ … well , I only had 5 mins to think one up … : -p
3 The Sabena flight out left Edinburgh well over an hour late , so I only had fifteen minutes or so for my Naples transfer at Brussels .
4 I only had six tablets . ’
5 I only had two kings !
6 I only had one ski , and I could n't walk down .
7 I was like one , I was like half way through the tape and I had , I only had one name to go
8 I only had one candidate round
9 And I only had one scene with him .
10 I only had one stillbirth .
11 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
12 After that we became disinterested in each other and I only had three weeks to the deadline , a last-minute decision to make , but I suppose I 'm one of the lucky ones because my parents were behind me all the way .
13 Well he said , Alright , he said , I 've made arrangements for your baggage to be picked up and you 'll stay with me in New Rochelle , and he was going away and he slipped me ten bucks cos I only had ten pounds money .
14 Other night we had bacon and egg and I did n't fancy it very much so I just had two slices of bacon and one egg and made a couple of sandwiches out of it .
15 Oh I just had two shandies .
16 so there was nothing going to waste and it was nice for me because once we 'd said goodbye I just had ten minutes , quarter of hour drive home
17 I already had two children , and the last thing I wanted was a third .
18 I already had six years ’ experience of the criminal mind by the time you graduated from the Sorbonne as a spoilt little brat . ’
19 At your age I already had five children living and not the hope of a decent wage coming .
20 I once had two weeks to learn to love everything , two weeks until I was to be shot .
21 With five and even three elements I always had one element in the centre .
22 We never considered giving up our work with the chimps when the children were born , but it would not have been possible for us to continue without the help of the Africans — I always had two men employed to take care of the children when I went with Christophe into the forest . ’
23 I always had three meals a day and cigarettes and things bought for me .
24 I also had four days to be nervous and by the time the big day arrived I was all nervoused out .
25 I also had two 1Mb SIMMS which I fitted to test the viability of Dixon 's proposed upgrade .
26 I was at home then and er I also had two rooms in a private boarding house
27 I also had two dollies , one made for me by our great family friend , Mrs Fawcett , the other stitched by my mother from an old piece of quilted petticoat .
28 Nevertheless , I now had 120 people , 116 women and 4 men , who had followed the diet for a full eight-week period .
29 I now had two sets of parents .
30 She looked me up and down and adjusted my tie an inch or so ( I 'd gone for green silk and I now had two ties ) , then said :
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