Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
2 I rarely talk to my parents these days , or visit the family home .
3 Then I slowly got to my feet and they all started laughing happily as if I was n't dead after all .
4 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
5 I had problems with tutors trying to encourage me to diversity my work and experiment with other styles , but I was quite happy with the direction my work was heading so I stubbornly stuck to it .
6 I merely agreed to it .
7 " I did n't know him — I only spoke to him for a few minutes , but David Fairfax recognised him . "
8 I went into this field and I sat there and cried for hours in this pouring rain and I suddenly thought to myself , ‘ This is ridiculous , this is no good — you 're not meant to be an actor , you 're meant to be something else — a comedian . ’
9 ‘ I had them on one night at the South Bank Poly and I just thought to myself , ‘ I ca n't be bothered with this , I really ca n't ’ .
10 ‘ Mildred Hubble , ’ said Miss Hardbroom wearily , ‘ what have I just said to you ?
11 Yes , he took a deflection off erm Andy Melville , I think he was going for his second , and erm I just managed to you know , just get down to my left and just keep it there , and it just sort of stuck so I was pleased with that .
12 ‘ I pushed the pram to the top of the street I was afraid they were following me but when I looked round there was nobody there so I just ran to my mum 's . ’
13 Can I just talk to you about them ones ?
14 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
15 ‘ I grew up when that kind of modernism was running rampant — it still is — when to be a respectable composer meant that you had to acquire a defiantly difficult style and I just said to myself , ‘ surely there 's another way to do this ? ’
16 I just said to myself ‘ Do n't let the bastard wear you down .
17 I just said to her , ‘ You throw away what you do n't like , I do n't care ’ .
18 And I just said to her , ‘ Fine — because do n't forget who paid for the reception ’ . ’
19 I just said to her , you know , just tell them
20 I sa , I said I just went I just said to her look Hannah you do n't have to come in the car !
21 Right , and I just said to her , we will know the outcome of it wo n't we ?
22 You know she said I just said to her oh how 's Jimmy sort of thing and she said he 's alright .
23 No , I do n't want to do that I just said to her , I said you know , you can sort of erm ask Brenda she said I 'm doing that I 'm not on christmas day , would you ?
24 She said , about next door , cos I just said to her it 's private it 's been bought .
25 His eyes were open and seemed to be focusing pretty well , I just said to him , ‘ Hang on in there , Lester ’ — and he seemed to take it in . ’
26 cos what I , I just said to him I said look , I says a er sometimes I says it 's an awkward time drop for us .
27 I erm I just said to him
28 I , I just said to him , when he said we 've got these census point ahead I said well we 've got certain restrictions , you know , we 've certain rules and regulations we 've got ta comply with I mean I did n't reel off any of this blah .
29 toilet , in Bon 's , in Dan 's loo at Bon 's party cos I 'm going round going oh no no no no I 'll give you a fiver for it I went I really do n't want to sell and in the end like I just said to him look just fuck off , you know cos like he was just persistent
30 Well I , we 'd finished lunch and erm he , he , er I just said to him , what would you like ?
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