Example sentences of "i [adv] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And then : oh , please , if there have to be more lies , at least let me only tell them to other people , not to myself any more .
2 ‘ Does n't matter , I only brought them as a diversion anyway .
3 I only fill them in that I know for a fact .
4 Cos I just fancy them at the moment .
5 I just told them about the bullet damage to the boat and about the chart . ’
6 Have you had a copy of , dare I say it , the tabulation which was produced by the panel , which summarized the various er submissions , and if I just read them to you .
7 Why did n't I just post them to her ?
8 " Yes , I just popped them in there to roast for a while , They 're delicious that way . "
9 I just needed them for a purpose , and that was enough . ’
10 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
11 I just drop them in here ?
12 They 'd only just pitched camp , but I soon had them on their way . ’
13 I always knew them as dinosaurs but he knows
14 Sorry what I was gon na suggest on that in a way this is kind of preempting something else , you know , the , the bit on the agenda for it , I always put them in its back , back together when I write , erm
15 It 's a move we have practised so many times in training and I always send them over the bar .
16 I always carry them in my pocket — in the inside one , so they 're safe and I wo n't lose them .
17 It 's funny , I never really did like him and Ken Pitt thought I always wanted them to be together .
18 Well I always buy them in boxes now .
19 I genuinely liked them as people , I loved their music , and I was in exactly the right place at the right time .
20 Where can I possibly get them from ? "
21 I usually replace them after a month or so . ’
22 ‘ It 's the first one this autumn , ’ Loretta admitted , ‘ but I usually have them at weekends in the winter . ’
23 I 'm a quiet person and when I need to sort things out I usually sort them out myself ’ , she considered .
24 ‘ Bryan has a pedal board , but because he 's trying to concentrate on singing and leading the band he ca n't be standing there trying to switch his pedals all night , so I usually run them from the side . ’
25 At this I quickly joined them at the bottom of a long rickety iron ladder which led into the water ballast tanks and found them hauling out several cases which had been concealed there .
26 I liked the idea of other people feeling sorry for me , even though I also despised them for it , because I was n't worth their sympathy and that made them fools .
27 I also told them about the financial statement we had issued and afterwards received a letter asking if I would send on a financial statement , which I did " .
28 I also received them on behalf of the new church that she dare to be intimate in worship of her Lord .
29 As the general secretary indicated , colleagues , all the motions are being accepted , so I now put them to the vote .
30 I 've given up trying to buy stamps from the Post Office — again because the queues are so long — and I now get them in books from my newsagent .
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