Example sentences of "i [be] [adj] [prep] [is] " in BNC.

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1 All I am sure of is that right now I do n't want to be anywhere else in the world but here , with you . ’
2 All I am sure of is that in the face of that child , as he lay dead upon the couch , I saw something of my own future .
3 One thing I am sure of is that would agree that the job of Treasurer of the Bar Council would be quite impossible without the daily support and guidance of the Chief Executive and of his Finance Officer , , and his deputy , .
4 What I am certain about is that there is a long term future for this cinema and that we 're aware
5 What I am interested in is good scripts .
6 With seven matches to play , 16th-placed Bari are in trouble and Platt said : ‘ All I am interested in is Bari staying in Serie A. Three consecutive defeats have made the job harder , but I believe we will stay up , particularly if we beat Napoli at home . ’
7 ‘ All I am interested in is that our records sound good to my ears .
8 What I am interested in is not the forms they construct , but how they construct them ; I am concerned with identifying the graphological constants .
9 Something else I am puzzled by is Gibson 's reference to the 6-string bass 's ‘ customary ’ BEADGC tuning .
10 The , councillor I am not passionate about getting rid of union representation , what I am passionate about is union members paying for their own representation , not me , not the people out there , if they want a full time union official let them pay for it but do n't expect other people to pick up the bill , it 's ludicrous er to er put that sort of money in our budget .
11 The complexity I am concerned with is not that supposed intrinsic property of the text which politically motivated critics allegedly distort ( in biased readings ) and impartial critics transparently represent ( in long readings ) .
12 Interesting as Luxemburg 's ideas are , they need not detain us here seeing that what I am concerned with is Bukharin 's response to them and the results of that response .
13 The particular area I am concerned with is where a contract in two parts has been duly signed by the respective parties and is awaiting exchange .
14 What I am concerned about is that electricity privatisation will not lend itself to improving the situation .
15 What I am concerned about is the specific effect on these three farms , which is extremely serious .
16 This deal I 'm involved in is a big one .
17 Erm all I 'm sure about is that there was this change going on in the rurar econ
18 ‘ What I 'm interested in is no use to the private sector .
19 I can hardly stand up at the best of times — which is n't surprising when the only ice I 'm interested in is in my Scotch on the rocks !
20 ‘ All I 'm interested in is where you found that damn ’ horse . ’
21 What I 'm interested in is trying to promote more of the sort of spontaneous collaboration , where shared interests emerge from an activity the children are engaged in , and they develop it together .
22 What I 'm interested in is people thinking .
23 What I 'm interested in is ideas , and I did n't think much of his , or his opinions .
24 Erm , and what I 'm interested in is how we can through local democratic channels create true empowerment of the community .
25 The kind of woman I 'm interested in is adult enough to recognise what I want from the outset .
26 Doing all that TV stuff made me realise that , no , what I 'm interested in is pure movement .
27 The year I 'm interested in is 1910 . ’
28 ‘ The only thing I 'm worried about is getting up in the morning , ’ said yesterday 's driver , who asked not to be named .
29 You see er what I 'm worried about is that erm basically I wanted to see you first before I even answered it before I phoned them up and say yeah okay or wha what have you .
30 said all I 'm worried about is did I wash my hair too early for you so she said it 's alright I 've got a spray that I can sort of cos she likes it quite wet when she
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