Example sentences of "i [be] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I been beaten up by hoods , framed on a murder rap , beaten up by cops , sent up the river , beaten up by prison bulls , got a last-minute reprieve from the governor , and been beaten up by my girl . ’
2 I been looking forward to this all day .
3 Dixie and I are dressed up for the Island .
4 Hamish and I are going over to the Island to see her next weekend .
5 Hi , After lengthy negotiations in private , Gav & I are going along to the Sunderland game together on Wednesday .
6 When Cousteau comes back with the divers and equipment , Van Gelder and I are going down with them to have a look at this plane .
7 ‘ Suzi and I are going back to her dance studio and she 's going to put me through the dance routine again . ’
8 He 's convinced that my lover and I are waiting eagerly for that event , so he 's written a will that leaves me destitute .
9 I must emphasize that I am thinking not of antiracism as a political objective , or a goal which emerges alongside other issues from the daily struggles of black people , from the practice of community organizations and voluntary groups , even from the war of position which must be waged inside the institutions of the state .
10 I am thinking instead of antiracism as a much more limited project defined simply , even simplistically , by the desire to do away with racism .
11 I am thinking here of two distinct but linked operations which constitute racism as a discoursive practice .
12 I am thinking here of topics which still reflect our interests but might include more on , say , conservation , microscopy , taxonomic computing , and other new areas we might be moving towards .
13 You had to think of a method and the method was particularly difficult , I think , on the tank farm one where this is the sort of method that I am thinking here of how , how on earth am I going to build it on , on the hotel ?
14 I am thinking particularly of one of the Bushmen you knew who was so good at imitating a professor .
15 I am thinking particularly of repairs in schools and housing , which can generate some employment .
16 But I am thinking back to the days before the war — the ‘ 39–45 war in Europe , that is — when a reporter was actually expected to know the place he was writing about .
17 And this gentleman in West Yorkshire would certainly have the blessing of many if he carried out his idea : ‘ Having taken early retirement , I am casting about for some way to supplement my pension .
18 In parenthesis I should say that I am passing quickly over the significance of these four levels of understanding .
19 ‘ Do you still think I am holding back on Surere ? ’
20 But I am jumping ahead of myself .
21 As I read , I am struck again by the laibon 's sense of being at the centre of the universe .
22 I am honoured even to be thought Inspector Rose 's Watson , ’ he said .
23 ‘ I am not quite the Hochhauser rapist I am made out to be , but I expect a little peck , just here , on the cheek . ’
24 I feel I am wanted only for what business I can bring their way .
25 ‘ I will be absolutely gutted if I am ruled out of the derby .
26 I am employed here as a nurse in the premature baby intensive care unit and I 'm certainly kept very busy , the work often made more difficult but challenging in that I work alongside people from around 30 different countries .
27 I am living here with Arab people in peace and I have some friends among them .
28 ‘ It is because of you that I am living here in peace .
29 He continued : ‘ I am looking forward to the next Labour government throwing out the Tory anti-union laws and giving working people the protection that they need to conduct legitimate industrial action .
30 SIR — As director of a company which supplies market research data to the pharmaceutical industry in the Republic of Ireland , I am looking forward to the forthcoming explanations from United Kingdom opinion poll organisations .
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