Example sentences of "i [conj] [pron] [vb base] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was not so much consideration as intuition , for something tells me that you visit me with some strange intelligence . ’
2 Those " do n't come any closer 'cause you know how much I love you " feelings , Those " tell me that you love me , oh you did I got ta run now " blues .
3 I ask you if you like me and you tell me you ‘ fancy ’ me — is n't that the word you British use to describe a lustful attraction ? ’
4 ‘ My Mum and Dad 'll kill me if they catch me out here . ’
5 Come and see me if you need me . ’
6 ‘ Call me if you need me when you get back . ’
7 Call me if you need me . ’
8 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
9 I 'd rather him not travel it , I 'd rather him stop here on Sunday and not come home so that he 's got ample rest , cos he 's not getting it I , I , I du n no , I , I might be wrong , but he moans at me cos I knock me
10 That " say I 'm all the world to you , you 're out of your mind " " I know there 's someone else and I could kiss your behind " , Those " you say I 'm terrific but your taste was always rotten " feelings , " Go away , I need you " , " Come to me , I 'll kill you " , " Darling , I 'll do anything to keep you with me till you Tell me that you love , me , oh you did , now beat it will you " blues .
11 They asked me to come along and I thought I would because I thought children might respond more to me because they recognise me from television .
12 ‘ Do it for me because you love me . ’
13 But there 's one further thing you should know about me before you accept me here . ’
14 It 's covering myself , really , asking people to take me as they find me .
15 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ , ‘ A leopard ca n't change his spots ’ and other maxims take an essentially pessimistic view about the malleability of behaviour .
16 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ means ‘ I 'm going to carry on and behave as I always do even if it does n't suit you . ’
17 ‘ I ca n't speak for others , Doctor , and you must take me as you find me , I 'm afraid . ’
18 For this I gave them about 30p , which is rather a lot , & since then they have been running up to me when they see me , offering to polish up my briefcase etc .
19 Jeremiah , the Old Testament prophet , assures us of God 's promise : ‘ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . ’
20 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
21 please tell me when you want me to go because
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