Example sentences of "i [verb] say [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I regret to say that in consequence of the contents having been packed before they were thoroughly dry they are all in a badly mildewed state , so much so that I shall have to dry each specimen individually and remove the mildew with a brush : the smallest of the two large skins has also lost the whole of the wool or hair from the head ; The bottles too not having been properly secured , the spirit has escaped and caused the small boxes to fall to pieces forming an heterogenous mixture of nests , eggs broken and sound , tops , bottoms , and sides of boxes , plants , etc .
2 I hate to say that about anybody , but she really is .
3 That 's all I want to say except to er , who , that Synod received the report of the Church and Society committee ?
4 I have not wavered in the slightest degree in my attitude to this war , nor have I changed my mind as to the need of a final and complete settlement , but I want to say that in a war in which losses of such terrible magnitude are being imposed on all the Nations it appears to me not only wise but imperative that every country should use its political weapon to supplement all its military organisation , if by so doing it can defeat the enemy .
5 I sat for a while thinking of what I 'd said and of what he 'd told me , and I still could n't believe that any of the people I 'd come to know so well was really a murderer .
6 I forgot to say that on the way to the hot springs we stopped at a neolithic site where they have excavated and reconstructed the life of the people living there 6,000 years ago .
7 I 'm sorry , I just wanted to make a couple of points in response to erm things that people have said in relation to my opening statement , erm Mr Brook er mentioned the fact that er none of the employe none of the new settlement proposals of which he was aware , erm included an employment element , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that our suggested reworking of policy H two does provide for an explicit land er amount of land for employment purposes , erm as part of the new settlement location , I wanted to say that because I , I 'm not invited to appear on your employment day , and I do feel that this is an important component of the the H two strategy , and clearly that employment component will be drawn from the Greater York allocation , the second point , Mr Sexton erm I believe said that in his view you could not find a site for a larger new settlement er within the or outside the Greater York er greenbelt , erm which would not result in physical coalescence with the existing villages in the area , now I 'm not sure whether he was referring to any particular size of larger new settlement , but I invite you to look at the er land range at one to fifty thousand er map of the area , and you will see that the area outside the greenbelt is characterized by erm a very rural area with sporadic villages , and my believe is that there are erm sites available within that area which could accommodate a larger new settlement , the planning point is of course the larger the new settlement becomes , I think the less that that the reduced number of sites you will have available to accommodate erm that proposal , because of its scale , and the third aspect I want to comment on Mr Cunnane and Mr Thomas erm said that Barton Willmore had not made a need argument for the new settlement , well if I 'm not mistaken that 's what we spent most of this morning discussing under policy H one , and I do n't erm I do n't wish , and I do n't suppose that I 'd be invited to repeat the comments made by Mr Grigson this morning , I do n't think there 's any need for that , but that establishes in our mind very clearly there is a need for a new settlement in the range of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , erm in the period up to two thousand and six , and I wo n't say anything more on that .
8 You 're the first person I 've said that to who said come back to me and said yes .
9 Ay , I I 've I 've said that to them I said well you might have , if I take to work you 'll certainly hear some they said tha well if that 's common usage words that 's what it has to be and words that we never use at all that are in dictionaries and nobody ever uses them , they want to know common ordinary speech words that we use .
10 At this point I need to say that in this paper I am concentrating on the bad object relations that can exist between workers and managers .
11 I have been a lifelong Labour supporter , but I have to say that under the present Government I was able to save in my last years at work without seeing my savings disappear in inflation .
12 And he revealed : ‘ A deal was agreed with Frank Williams before that race in front of a witness and I have to say that at the time I felt very , good about racing again with Williams in 1993 .
13 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
14 Well I have to say that as a result of last night 's session I have a much healthier view of Hydro Electric and I do so would I have got that from the programme ?
15 Having said that , however , I have to say that from a Christian point of view the Hayekian ( or Friedmanian ) system is fundamentally at variance with what I conceive of as a Christian view of reality .
16 I have to say that from my point of view — and this is only my point of view — it is not a page-turner .
17 ‘ At the risk of deeply shocking you , I have to say that in relation to small claims , we have to get rid of the lawyers . ’
18 I have to say that in no way will this option be better than the colour changer , because for Norwegian jacquard , you will still have to make a semi-automatic colour change with the jacquard claw every two rows and this is slower .
19 I must n't become a bore on the subject , but I have to say that in physical terms Tod and I are now feeling absolutely terrific .
20 I have to say that in terms of violent crime generally the amount of it in the United Kingdom is small compared with that in other countries and , if I may say so , here in Washington . ’
21 On the wider issue , it has been made clear , not simply from what I have said but through what I have done over many years — in an earlier ministerial capacity and in my present one — that we are more than willing to take action where it is shown to be necessary , once we are sure that such action would be well-judged .
22 I have said that for a student to make a truth claim , whether original or not , the student has to own it .
23 If reference to Parliamentary material is permitted as an aid to the construction of legislation which is ambiguous , or obscure or the literal meaning of which leads to an absurdity , I believe as I have said that in practically every case it will be incumbent on those preparing the argument to examine the whole proceedings on the Bill in question in both Houses of Parliament .
24 It follows from what I have said that in my view the outcome of this appeal depends upon whether or not the court can look at Parliamentary material .
25 I have said that in the classical version each murder was a duel between two giants .
26 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
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