Example sentences of "i [verb] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The Monday evening they phone me up and said that I was to attend another meeting on Tuesday which I believe were the twenty second to which they said , We 've thought about it and we 've decided not to continue your employment .
32 I first met him during the early 1950s and I became editor of what I believe was the second journal in the now enormous Pergamon Press stable .
33 Just do that that , that 's what I find is the best thing to do and then carry on with what you have to say and then the gestures become quite natural because all of this this is is not I 'm not trying
34 ‘ And should n't I have been the first person to have known about them ?
35 It 's what I decided was the best idea all round .
36 I suppose is the only way if , if he started bleeding or if he felt loose , cos she said he 's still swollen from the operation
37 That 's two different kinds of love though then , love , loving your neighbour I suppose is the widest sense and er and the love between a parent and child , are those more recognisable as , as true love if you like than the kind of romantic love , sexual love that we 've been talking about , yes
38 When she come up with them photos I suppose was the last time were n't it ?
39 er we both met him to try and make a plea to him to try and change his views and it 's fair to say that he does n't know or did n't know what was going on in his own backyard and John Patten I feel is the same as is the rest of the M P's in the Oxfordshire area .
40 That evening my men , led by Kassimi , came to my tent and expressed regret that we had been recalled , which I felt was the genuine sentiment of most of them .
41 It was n't that the song had a particular relevance — it was n't about AIDS — but it was a song that I felt was the best way of expressing myself and also the best thing I had to offer at the time .
42 To me , it was very Elvis Presley which I gather is the perfect impression because Elvis was one of Freddie 's inspirations .
43 The first film I saw was The Great Caruso , starring Mario Lanza .
44 ‘ What I saw was the first draft of the first letter .
45 But as usual all I saw was the hairy form bounding away out of sight round the corner of the house .
46 One of the most bizarre things I saw was the lengthy and intricate preparation for the blessing of a new furniture store .
47 Once outside the house she darted quickly along the road then through a gap in a hedge and the last I saw was the little black figure flitting over the rain-swept grass of a field .
48 My function was to select and train the Pathfinders , I was given the choice of what I claim was the best and if I did not pick the best .
49 The paternoster I use is the genuine article , which entails a long bomb length and a short hook length .
50 I had acted out of good faith and in terms of what I thought were the best interests of my client .
51 Well a thing called power handshakes , which I thought were the biggest load of gobbledegook until I watched them , a specific chat show host .
52 And what I thought was the prettiest sight in Hannah 's meadows was the Geranium sylvaticum , or hay sward , which is a beautiful blue with a tinge of violet .
53 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
54 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
55 Whilst I did track down what I thought was the best , several of them , in fact quite a number of them , said " no " .
56 so then the very time he went in I you know , took did n't say anything at all I thought was the best thing .
57 But if a matter came to a head that withdrawing my labour was the only way to resolve it , that I thought was the only way to resolve it , I 'd go out and do it again .
58 Good idea wo n't be a bad idea mm , what I thought was the tough steak has turned out to be the , the one that 's not I cut the steaks about a bit , one was a bit fattier than the other the one that I had I thought would be dead tough , is tender it 's int it ? they look more like a sirloin steak to me than a rump , even though it went under the name of rump it looked like you can only tell the shape of it ca n't , oh God
59 Saturday night , I thought was the old saying , red sky at night , shepherds delight , old saying , you know
60 The choice of literature , as you realize was meant to be contrasting , and I put book down as an example of what I thought was the worst possible , er , use of use of psychoanalysis , kind of gutter journalism , erm and which you did n't look at , and it 's , it 's no criticism of you erm , because er , you had your work cut out with what you did do , but the reason I put down Gandhi 's Truth , if anybody 's ever read that , have they ?
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