Example sentences of "i [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Can I make it quite crystal clear to my own mind , long term pension benefits it does n't come automatically it only comes if you surrender part of your own pension thus making provision for .
2 I met him somewhere south of the river , I do n't know where .
3 Josh and I planned it yesterday evening , did n't we , Josh ?
4 I expect them tomorrow morning .
5 And you can say well look I told you so dad .
6 I told you so Labour and the Lib Dems betrayed democracy , says Stephen Howe
7 Somebody said , ‘ Can I give you more wine ? ’
8 And that 's why this is very interesting for you because you now know what your preference is and what you need to think about is that I may be a very high reflector , but I can see there 's , there 's Lou in particular was a very strong activist and when I put them together training , I need to ensure that it 's not the way I like to learn , it is a balanced approach others can also gain , I need to ensure that others gain from this .
9 I put it away darling I thought you 'd finished .
10 I suppose it is because I consider you almost family , Hans .
11 ‘ What time shall I see you tomorrow night , Johnny ? ’
12 I get mine either way . ’
13 Even a sentence like I finished mine tomorrow morning can be contextualised so as to present itself in the guise of a jocular paradox :
14 Tom and Dick finished theirs yesterday ; Bill and Arthur finished this morning ; and I … er … well , I finished mine tomorrow morning , I promise !
15 No , yes you do , do n't lie , I heard you yesterday morning , twelve thirty , you were talking to your assistant in the , about you put the body in my wardrobe said Jane , okay I know something , in fact I know a lot more than all of you .
16 How about I contact you tomorrow evening ?
17 The Principal of St John 's declared roundly that he was a lunatic — ‘ I saw him yesterday afternoon walking down the Bailey with one foot on the pavement and one foot in the gutter all the way ’ .
18 and I boiled it about quarter to five and I thought
19 It 's not as if I gave you much choice .
20 The final scene , with its tear-jerking hospital-bed supplications for forgiveness , is neither more nor less than the ‘ I love you ’ , ‘ I love you too Momma ’ curtain-line that has become mandatory in a thousand soap operas .
21 I think they just sort of it 's the same thing in a different order .
22 I bought it only cost be about what , I think we said er , what less than a pound each , them two ash trays
23 Well may I , may I second it please Chair ?
24 ‘ Do n't let me see yer here agen , ’ he warned me , but I was off at a run .
25 Let me tell let me tell you exactly Jubilee line is going ahead , er very large sums of money in the next three years
26 And while they 're close , the R450 is allowing me to get them absolutely spot on .
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