Example sentences of "i [verb] [be] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean are the just destroyed or are they removed and reused again we do n't know .
2 For the purposes of this discography I 've ignored the most obvious ‘ Skinhead ’ hits and chosen , with the help of some friends , what I trust is a fairly objective selection of the best , and most popular records from 1968 to 1971 .
3 Oh well I found was a very cheap place to live .
4 All I caught was a greenfly and another filthy look .
5 All I want is a little of your energy .
6 ‘ All I want is an even spread , after all we are disrupting community life for these people , ’ said Coun Smailes , who is writing a formal letter of complaint to the BBC .
7 The counsel I used was an exceptionally suitable person , Sir Joseph Molony QC , the son of a Northern Ireland judge .
8 From these various works , from the College 's minute books , and from veterinary periodicals , I have constructed what I hope is a reasonably coherent narrative of the College 's life .
9 I give him what I hope is a suitably withering look .
10 That I know is the very strong view of my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary and indeed , also amongst a good many members in another place and indeed in Your Lordships House .
11 I remember being a little apprehensive .
12 ‘ But we need someone to start pressing some buttons now — my only interest is to secure the long-term success of something which I believe is a very good event . ’
13 However I do not recall hearing of any problem every being experienced by low-flying military hardware or cruise-level GA over Madley Earth Station which I managed for several years prior to my retirement last year , and which I believe is a much larger facility than Oakhanger .
14 There are many ways of playing 3 octave arpeggios , and this month I will show what I believe is the most effective approach .
15 Sir , today you have before you what I believe is the most important village still existing close to York , which has , over a considerable part of its area , extant at this day a medieval character and feel .
16 I was washing my hair that day , or that 's what I decided was the best excuse to tell the voting commission .
17 I mean , he 's always been passionately keen on music , which I suppose is a very Welsh thing .
18 Called Born Victim it begins " I murdered Brenda Goring for what I suppose is the most unusual of motives .
19 " I murdered Brenda Goring for what I suppose is the most unusual of motives .
20 There are , there are legal drugs in our society , and you may not think they should be legal , I do n't know , there 's there 's er , alcohol , I suppose is the most commonly used one but
21 erm enjoy living on my own , and I would n't really want to enter into another what I felt was a very oppressive relationship really erm because erm I do n't think there are very many men who do think in terms of equality within erm within erm partnerships and within relationships within marriages .
22 I had only recently begun to walk much without a stick — however — after much midnight practice to a ‘ pop ’ record I did manage even the backward steps without a wobble which I felt was the least I could do as I was representing MEDAU ! .
23 The Elsie I knew was a very bright girl , very self-assured , very confident , very capable , very … ’
24 There was about fifty percent full the house of Commons was about fifty percent full which I thought was a little worrying .
25 The right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) delivered what I thought was a curiously muddled speech .
26 The next morning the newspapers headlined what I thought was a completely different ‘ anti-Europe ’ speech .
27 About 8 p.m. that evening Taff and I sat at the side of our slit trench eating what I thought was a rather dubious lump of meat .
28 Can I close by thanking Rod our Chief Racing Coach for what I thought was a very excellent presentation of the R Y A Ye Year of Youth Sailing and I have great pleasure in launching that initiative for ts er this year 's Earls Court Boat Show again it seems horribly self evident that it 's only through increasing the involvement of the young that we assure thriving clubs and associations and classes for the future but nobody up here is going to say that it 's easy and I believe though that the work that the official , the officers and the R Y A put together will make it easier than it once was and I hope that the literature that they have put together and the programme that they have put together will be a help to all of you so please make use of it .
29 Well I thought was a very decent man , even if I killed him .
30 and we put a little sex appeal into it and turn it into what I thought was a very contemporary , viable and graphic arts piece that would be very broadly hung on the wall and used .
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