Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All I know is that I think it 's a safe distance for me to drive behind that car at any given time .
2 ‘ You do n't honestly expect me to agree to that idea ? ’
3 My definition of harmful treatment would embrace not just treatment that exposed me to risk without any hope of compensating benefit but treatment of unproved efficacy that diverted me from having other treatments that were of proved value .
4 I feared that , but I must always have wanted it too , because when you had me dismissed from that job — Oh , I hated that , I hated not being able to see you any more , but I thought it was you I hated .
5 It made me think of that voodoo thing which hangs round graveyards and wears a top hat . ’
6 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
7 " He has never asked me to go at this time of night before , " she whispered .
8 Maybe I mentioned about the fillings coming out on this side of my mouth and at the back , so I ca They took it out in my living room and hypnotized me to forget , hypnotized walking about in my sleep with it , to sleep , got me in the chair and done it , got out of the house , programmed me to go to that dentist in , which I did do instead of going to Mr at .
9 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton ; If the Hon. Gentleman wants me to go into more detail , I shall do so .
10 Thank you , yes , erm thank you very much for inviting me to attend to those meetings and giving me the opportunity to meet you all .
11 Canan and her boss know exactly what to expect from each other : ‘ It 's far easier for me to work for another Turk because I can talk about pay rates and things like that more openly .
12 ‘ My boss hinted this afternoon at asking me to work on another case . ’
13 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
14 Not strongly enough to kill me for that , but certainly strongly enough to make killing me satisfying in that respect also .
15 ‘ It 's really not professional of me to comment on these things .
16 Several times while I was at Magdalen he had me to dine at All Souls with its distinguished Fellows .
17 One of them , a Sikh woman in her late forties , encouraged me to write about those duties which a husband should fulfil .
18 These factors seem to me to bear upon that decision .
19 She seemed so happy and positive and the thing that made me opt for that hospital was when she said , ‘ Childbirth is the woman 's experience , we 're just here to back you up . ’
20 I do not intend to interfere with any arrangements that you wish to handle yourself , but please let me know about all Medau special activities throughout the country ; especially those related to the Sports Council 's ‘ Ever Thought of Sport ’ and 50+ Campaigns and I shall be delighted to help if needed .
21 Would you please let me know about all events at which Medau was represented during 1985 ( if you have not already done so ) and I welcome thoughts and suggestions to explore for 1986 .
22 Right , if there 's , if there 's gon na be , if there 's gon na be looking a bit iffy , if you 'll let me know on any item , and then I 'll get , I 'll , and then I 'll box .
23 I said , Why do n't you just say , ‘ I asked about those records you ordered ? ’
24 Sometimes I asked about these stories .
25 yes that was at quarter past eight Saturday morning and at ten to eight my aunty came at night and went fucking mad she said I want a dressing and I want it now , twelve hours ago I asked for that dressing and were n't done then came
26 I asked for more money because of Zadak : I wanted to give him money for rain .
27 I asked for more work — anything to keep my mind occupied .
28 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
29 I asked for some children to work with me .
30 Erm now councillor and I asked for this matter to be brought to this chamber because erm we felt that the matter w was important enough that all members of this council should have an opportunity to debate it .
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