Example sentences of "i [verb] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It makes me want to bring sanity into an insane land .
2 He said have you seen Kevin out in street I said I 'm not fucking hell would I want to see Kev for ?
3 I mean to say law in other countries but they 're always pleased to come here and take all our what 's it are n't they ?
4 But if you 're really stuck and you 've got a third question that you ca n't come up with I mean y'know sort of blur it , fudge it and make it look like there 's a sort of metamorphic answer there and we can sort of say well that 's sort of twenty percent or something and then that counts and it may carry you over .
5 " In that case — in that case I intend to take advantage of my privileges as a husband with you . "
6 I like to take care of my staff , just as I intend to take care of my wife — if the one I love will marry me . ’
7 I fear that I may not be able to take part in the debate as I intend to cause trouble for the Government over Oxleas wood , which is in my constituency and that of the hon. Member for Woolwich ( Mr. Cartwright ) , but I hope that my hon. Friend will regard my support as being with him throughout the debate .
8 You seem to be under the misapprehension that I intend making love to you . ’
9 That I intend to make love to both of you ? ’
10 Like you , I intend to seek sanctuary with Resenence Jeopardy .
11 I was pleased with this reflection , and so convoluted is the human mind that I ceased to take pride in my lack of pride and was proud that I had found myself capable of it .
12 I intended to resign at the A.G.M. due to the fact that I expect to be leaving the London area before the next A.G.M. but since no-one else wanted the job I agreed to remain chairman for as long as I could .
13 I , personally , always tried to avoid being drawn into any kind of union or political affairs , but in the case of the Association I made a slight concession in that I agreed to become Editor of our newsletter , which started out as a news-sheet and eventually grew into a magazine called " Coastlines " , featuring articles , reports from the cutters , poems and competitions .
14 He seemed so much more sensible than before that I agreed to have lunch with him .
15 Yeah , well I know but er he had n't seen anyone , he reckons for well over a year and when phoned me up I agreed to have lunch with him and then he gave me an earful about all sorts of things including erm in Norwich issuing net fares on Norwich Amsterdam .
16 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
17 I got to take care of this too .
18 Well n I hate wearing stuff like that , I always have done .
19 I tend to get fat in certain places .
20 Nor did I need to buy time for anybody .
21 I tried to do research on the 1950s but it was quite hard to find general information about the day-to-day lives of 1950s teenagers .
22 Then she spoke to the mirror , ‘ There were times when he was drunk , when I tried to take advantage of him , thinking he might forget to use one of those … things ! ’
23 I tried to ask Mum about it , but she changed the subject .
24 I tried to draw G.P. from memory again today .
25 I tried to keep despair at bay , telling myself that some sort of mistake had been made .
26 I tried to show pleasure at their decision and at the same time annoyance that our contract simply would n't permit it .
27 I tried to get hold of you last night , but the phone was n't working .
28 The more I tried to achieve clarity on the monstrous event in this hour , the more the shame of indignation and disgrace burned in my brow .
29 I tried to make conversation with the three silent people round the table .
30 I want to drink tea with you at the Samoyovska Hotel in Kiev , and vodka with you in the evening in a place where they used to play gypsy music when I was a student .
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