Example sentences of "i [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm telling you this with authority because he 's made me typing monitor in the matter . ’
2 IT really annoyed me to see leaders of the public service unions on TV going on about how a pay freeze would be unacceptable to their members .
3 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
4 Or do you want me to wreak havoc on the supper tables ? ’
5 ‘ If you think you 're going to make me treat Sarella in the same sort of way you 're mistaken .
6 Second , Fuchs blamed the deficit on the museum 's poor administrative structure , ‘ I did not have a system which enabled me to accept responsibility for the financial affairs of the museums ’ .
7 I 'm not really sure how I became friends with the boy , but he also has quite a good personality , + I can have a good laugh with him .
8 I worked as a researcher for him for so long I became part of the furniture , I really did .
9 Having got across the footlights I became part of the O. U. D. S. , and was invited to their club in George Street just opposite the theatre — the New Theatre as it then was — now the Apollo .
10 Years later when I became chairman of the medical missions of SPG , I realised how in mission hospitals all over the world , the same devoted healing mission was being carried on , which spoke much more eloquently of divine and human love than the preaching of less qualified friends like myself .
11 When I became Chairman on the retiral of Lord Macfarlane in June 1992 , I welcomed the prospect of such a challenging and rewarding task .
12 But , you see , with all this , and , indeed , before all this , the two happiest relationships of my life were with a schoolfriend called Melanie Smith with whom I used to listen to records of Carousel and Oklahoma ! on an old , wind-up gramophone , and with the hockey-ball when I became goalie of the first eleven .
13 When I became rookie of the year in 1992 they got their money back and a bit extra , and it will be the same this season . ’
14 At one time , and I became adversaries over the selection of polio virus strains to be used as oral vaccines .
15 But Gould said : ‘ I knew the financial problems facing the club when I became manager in the summer and it was my idea that I should work without a contract .
16 I wanted the sugar and rather than wait for the waiter to return or ask this boy to get it , I asked Harvey for the sugar .
17 We paused to watch a hawk hunting above one of the islands which splits the Vltava , and I asked Ladislav about the posters I kept seeing in windows .
18 Later , over a mug of tea , I asked Mick about the message he had for me .
19 I asked Joe about the heart attack and the changes that it had brought to his life as he settled down for his six hours ' daily practice at the Manor Leisure Club in Yeadon , near Leeds-Bradford Airport .
20 I asked László about the corso : ‘ Yes , it did exist here before the war and now , gradually , it is coming back , along the embankment by the international hotels . ’
21 I asked Michael about the recent success of Benjamin Britten 's opera , Peter Grimes , in Paris .
22 I asked thinking of the noxious fumes .
23 On each trip I overheard snatches of the bar-room conversations and could hear the louder buzz of continuing upheaval along in the lounge , and I thought that after I 'd satisfied everyone in the dining room I might drift along to the far end with my disarming little tray .
24 I change 15% of the water weekly and syphon the substrate once a fortnight .
25 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : I change part of the water in the rearing tank about once every other day with water of the same quality and temperature .
26 At the moment I change part of the water and rinse out the foam insert in the filter about every ten days , but I also feed the fish daily , so cleaning is necessary .
27 In my discussions with the principal I made reference to the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 19 v.4 and Mark 10 v.6 .
28 I made visits at the most relevant times during the appraisal , in particular whilst the inspection was under way , so that I could observe the effect it was having on staff .
29 I made copies of the information and these this was given to Superintendent .
30 To ascertain with accuracy whether such structure existed throughout its whole length , I made sections of the spinal marrow at different distances from the brain , and found that each divided portion exhibited an orifice with a diameter sufficient to admit a large sized pin ; from which a small quantity of transparent colourless fluid issued like that contained in the ventricles of the brain .
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