Example sentences of "i [verb] [verb] her [art] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to give her the kiss of life .
2 I tried to ring her the other day as going to a seminar at my solicitors office nearby and had hoped to walk up plus dog , leave Bella for duration of seminar and pick her up again = kill exercise bird with seminar stone as it were .
3 I must mention one member — Angela ( nee Feetenby ) — for her help to me has been second to none — not only do I congratulate her for that but on your behalf I want to wish her every happiness in her new life — she was married last July to Harry Bell .
4 I want to give her a Christmas present .
5 I want to ask her an embarrassing question . ’
6 I stopped to find her a name .
7 She approved of my taste and I 'd given her the right amount of money for the red coat which I st ill have n't worn .
8 Cos I 'd got her a tube of toothpaste .
9 ‘ She agreed eight o'clock when I spoke to her yesterday , after I 'd offered her every other hour of the day .
10 By the time I 'd had her a fortnight , and she was about five weeks old , her trust in me was growing .
11 I done bought her a di'mond ring ,
12 It was a time before I began to understand her a little better and realise that a lot of this was actually a sort of ‘ attention-getting ’ — a bit of theatre just to see how people would react — to manipulate situations a little .
13 I remember making her a little black satin coat and Dutch bonnet with things sticking out and all edged with lace and it was all er black satin and underneath the bonnet was er pleated er blue chiffon .
14 To make life easier for us all I started to teach her a few commands , but I found she would obey any order before it was given .
15 I went to see her a couple of times , but there was no progress .
16 I do n't see how she can do the hours , with the hours that she 's doing , I mean she 's still in the Penny Farthing when I came here cos I went to pay her the money .
17 She said no I think I 'll go home I 'll be alright , so I took her back home about eleven and erm erm I kept phoning her every hour on the hour just to make sure she 's alright , then I said I want you just to promise me one thing you 're not do anything silly , I 'm here , I do n't care what it takes , I 'm here , so she said alright then , so I said it 'll break mum 's heart it 'll break dad 's heart ,
18 Mr Healey : ‘ I did send her a copy of what I wrote about her to see that she did n't object .
19 I did phone her a few weeks ago and she said , ooh I 'll have to see you on Friday in Mould you know get a
20 I had seen her a few times since and remembered her lively face , her large , intelligent eyes which were always looking here , looking there as if one moment 's rest would deny her some crumb of life .
21 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
22 I had sent her a copy of my memoir , but her noncommittal letter of thanks had given no indication of whether she had read it .
23 While Elizabeth was in Athens I had given her a proof copy .
24 I had met her a couple of times back in the world , but only at Dreamer functions .
25 I had bought her a watch for a present .
26 I had thought her a goner ; now this — from the victim 's own lips .
27 I had to offer her a round of toasted cheese and a cup of tea .
28 I had to find her a flat , move her in , go to the Electricity Board , and then her husband Monica 's one of those who need a mother , someone who takes her on An idea came into Alice 's head of such beautiful and apt simplicity that she began laughing quietly to herself .
29 ‘ The shop-owner rang me and said she would n't move until I had found her a house , ’ she explained .
30 I had to send her a greetings telegram , so that she would not be alarmed at the sight of the envelope , saying : DARLING MUM I AM MARRIED TO MY MUSE AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF SEEKING A DIVORCE SO DO N'T WORRY I 'LL BE A BACHELOR GAY FOR ME REST OF MY LIFE LOVE JIM .
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