Example sentences of "i [verb] [Wh adv] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 It grieved me to see how they had stripped the great Rhododendron and the lesser Kalmias . ’
2 I asked why you had to be going . ’
3 ‘ Do you know , Father , it was n't until Whitton was dead that I realised how he had held us in his evil thrall . ’
4 It brought several things to mind : the evident barrier during negotiations between the steward and the women ; the warnings of a friend about my own relationship with the steward — ‘ You put too much trust in that man ’ ; and the remark made when I reported how I had initially explained my research aims to the union stewards — ‘ You told the Secret Service !
5 I noticed how he had slipped his feet under the exposed roots of trees — themselves held in the grasp of the hollow .
6 I guessed where she had been , but I made her tell me the whole story .
7 I guessed why she had brought me round into the shadow .
8 And er I know when I had experience in the past , last New Year , the District Council 's come out on behalf of the residents .
9 My tutor was a delightful stern lady , and I remember when I had written about John 's gospel , the epistles of John , and the book of Revelation , she looked at me over the top of her spectacles and announced ‘ Young man , you have assumed that because these books have all been attributed to a man named John , that they are all by the same person , who was also an apostle .
10 I remember how he had fought Stockton-on-Tees six times .
11 Only later did I wonder why it had been so important to tell Helmut I was returning to London .
12 Yet it was then that I knew why I had come , for just distinguishable to me against the background of reciting voices , I heard my own voice .
13 ‘ When I saw you again I knew why I had waited so long to marry .
14 I had got one souvenir and if not identifiable with the shed , at least I knew where it had come from .
15 If I knew where it had come from I would do it .
16 I knew when I had played the best game on the rugby field .
17 I understood why I had been urged to hurry .
18 I remembered how I had walked with him only a few days before .
19 I wondered when they had known each other and why the parents had never mentioned the affair to me ?
20 I wondered where it had got to . ’
21 I wondered where you had got to . ’
22 ‘ You look well , Lili , ’ he remarked , also without warmth , and I wondered why they had ever been friends since they did n't like each other .
23 I wondered why he had said that , and I understood .
24 There were many times when I wondered why I had agreed to research and write this book — it was anything but straightforward — more like doing a jig-saw puzzle without seeing the picture .
25 I wondered why I had n't thought of this before .
26 I wondered why I had n't had the wit to take the starveling cat to Mother Joseph as soon as I knew that Nour might kill it .
27 At times I wondered why I had ever embarked upon my personal research study .
28 I wondered how it had happened that so many men owed Félix money .
29 More than anything , I wanted Paradouze to help me understand why I had suffered . ’
30 My Houy master was very interested in me , and as soon as I could speak the language , he asked me to explain where I had come from .
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