Example sentences of "i [verb] [indef pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 I was a student in London but I was at home on this occasion when I met someone in the park .
2 I expect someone in the village will tell — ’
3 If that 's the case , I suggest anyone in the past who flunked an O-level exam writes to these people to demand that their E and F failures be upgraded to passes , with honours .
4 ‘ — I want everyone in the centre of the chamber — ’
5 I want someone in the square tomorrow , Alan ! ’
6 I collated everything in the evening , I improvised , it would be a pleasure .
7 Or have I missed something in the rules ?
8 " Did n't I see something in the paper about one of them sinking ?
9 I hear everything in the valley .
10 I know someone in the Council who might perhaps-it is only a perhaps …
11 I know someone in the States has married an eighty year old and she was only eighteen !
12 I get one in the morning and then at night .
13 Erm I 'm always overjoyed when people say things like that to me , that you 've just said , er but I think I understand acting more than I understand anything in the world .
14 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’
15 ‘ I have to confess that I find nothing in the current stock of recent coursebooks to compare in originality or methodological advance with the vastly popular Headway series … ’ — Coursebooks for the '90s , EFL Gazette
16 I find nothing in the Act to indicate that Parliament thought or intended to lay down that indulgence in these practices is not corrupting .
17 Hobbs v. Clark was considered and followed in two further driver 's option cases , Director of Public Prosecutions v. Magill [ 1988 ] R.T.R. 337 and Regan v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 102 , but I find nothing in the judgments in these cases which provides independent support for what I have called the doctrine of driver 's preference .
18 from my vantage point I saw nothing in the few seconds between the County Inspector 's announcement to have incited what appeared to be a concerted start by the police .
19 I often walked along the shore , and one day I saw something in the sand .
20 I saw one in the box once when she was trying her pearls on to see if they went with one of the dresses .
21 Ivan H. May of Hampstead Garden Suburb writes : ‘ As a 70-year-old full-time carer looking after a wife suffering from dementia , I do everything in the house : shopping , cooking , washing-up , cleaning , washing , ironing , bed-making , mending and paying the bills , not to mention doing the garden and most of the decorating .
22 If , she said to herself , writing Marjorie Richardson and Lady Mayhew and Miss Dunstable down for Easter lilies , if I do everything in the parish that I should do , and I keep the garden going and the meals and the house ( sort of ) and the translation , then where can be the harm in doing this other undeniably humble little thing that so curiously makes me feel strong and alive ?
23 I was very frightened as I remembered something in the Book of Remembering : ‘ In those days there were trees … ‘
24 Because I had one in the garden here and we moved it actually when we , we took the er hedge out er to put the fence and the gate on er and we moved it somewhere else and it er it just died off .
25 Er I thought I had one in the house yesterday I went , as Sheila was going erm Jackie was in her garden
26 Whilst I had nothing in the way of academy to display , I had won an open competition at the YMCA Baghdad Tennis Tournament , and was scrum-half for a 15 that was scratched up to play odd sides like the Palestine Police , or a crew from a Red Sea sloop on a visit .
27 Then I 'd er erm a friend come in in the afternoon and er ca n't remember if I had anybody in the evening or not .
28 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
29 Well I have one in the morning
30 I have none in the whole world to call my own .
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