Example sentences of "i [verb] [vb pp] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I though I 'd seen you somewhere before . ’
2 I knew I 'd seen you before and I could n't think where . ’
3 If I 'd met you earlier the fact that I 'm married would have made it impossible for me to take off and fly with you like this .
4 ‘ I thought I 'd lost you there , ’ Bryce said , sitting on one of the stair treads .
5 Right now there were quite there were a few people who gave me their books There were a few people who who gave me their books but I mean Erm this was the first homework I 'd given you actually that er that I 'd you know given so I would like to see an improvement in this performance please .
6 I 'd telephoned you purely because I had a need to hear the sound of your voice and what do I get for giving in to such weakness ?
7 ‘ If only I 'd 'elped you more you might still be 'ere . ’
8 Even though I 'd told you there was no point in your harbouring hopes , I somehow had n't expected you to up and leave .
9 I thought I 'd told you earlier .
10 ‘ I 'd begun to think that I 'd scared you away .
11 ‘ My dear child , how many times can I have told you never to split a pair !
12 I haw seen you before , ’ said Zeinab .
13 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
14 I had lost you once before because of my stupidity but now here was something else that completely undermined me — a tiny baby , a hold over you that I could never compete with .
15 ‘ You would then be able to assure yourself that all your worst forebodings were correct , that I had brought you here to cheat you out of your share in some shady manner . ’
16 If only I had told you straight away the appointment was a hoax … ’
17 And as I had told you before on the previous er chat we had , how my father took over er when when I was two years old we moved up .
18 That 's probably why I 've wanted you so much these last few months .
19 I 've missed you so much , this time , ’ she told him breathlessly .
20 I 've missed you so much , Joe .
21 I 've missed you so much … ’ he groaned .
22 I 've missed you too , ’ he whispered in her ear .
23 You look a bit , I 've lost you somewhere now .
24 Yeah if Now but th if I 've understood you correctly , there 's going to be a few months when we do n't actually supply anything .
25 I 've called you here because you 're young , Kim , and flexible of mind .
26 I 've kissed you before , remember .
27 No , I think I 've asked you quite enough , and thank you very much for talking to me .
28 ‘ Oh , hell , now I 've frightened you again . ’
29 I 've loved you so much and for so long ! ’
30 You 'll never know the torture I 've gone through because I 've loved you so .
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