Example sentences of "i [modal v] [not/n't] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You told me I must n't tell him .
2 I must n't tell you that I want to bury myself in your body ? ’ he enquired .
3 Sam here 's asked me to be his wife , and I do n't see why I should n't tell him yes . "
4 ‘ Perhaps I should n't tell you , but I 'm sure it 'll go no further . ’
5 ‘ Perhaps I should n't tell you this , but — but one of the walled gardens is locked up .
6 ‘ I was contacted — by the consul in Monte — oh , I should n't tell you these things , but … ’
7 Half a gross on each board yeah , oh you could n't move away from your board at all and it was erm Mr his eyes seemed to be perhaps I should n't tell you this , but I 'm going to , it may be a bit humorous for you my er Mr used to send me out through the back way into street I think it is now , to wait for the paperman with a sporting book oh should I have said that ?
8 Not a this is yours three I 've got three pairs , oh and I should n't tell you anyway cos you 'll bloody beat me anyway , so
9 Keeping her voice low , Mrs McMahon began , ‘ I 'll not tell you his name — I 'll not tell anyone his name ; that will go to the grave with me — but he was n't English , Ellie .
10 ‘ It 's time to get up , ’ she was saying , ‘ Come along , I 'll not tell you again .
11 ‘ Do n't worry , I 'll not tell anyone .
12 Keeping her voice low , Mrs McMahon began , ‘ I 'll not tell you his name — I 'll not tell anyone his name ; that will go to the grave with me — but he was n't English , Ellie .
13 I could n't be sorry for her , but I could n't tell her he was right .
14 She keeps giving me clothes — ; not this dear old awful thing , Mrs McPhee at home made this — and making me practise manners and the piano and I could n't tell her about last night , I could n't , I ca n't disappoint another person , not after my mother — ’ and Alexandra put her head down on to the slice of bread on her plate and burst into tears .
15 Back then it was called ‘ nancy boys ’ which was what my father used to call homosexuals , and he thought that all actors were homosexuals , so I could n't tell him that everyone in the company that I first joined was homosexual — except me .
16 I could n't tell him while he 's there .
17 Well at that particular time I could n't tell him .
18 I could n't tell him for sure , but he 's been taking Vulcan out most days .
19 I did n't enjoy deceiving Eric , but I knew it was necessary ; I could n't tell him I 'd done it because he would n't have understood why I 'd done it .
20 It was then that I decided to tell each woman in my own time , taking each one in turn — I could n't tell them all at once .
21 I could n't tell them they were n't the first . ’
22 And I did n't have any Treas keys so I could n't tell them to use the help service .
23 I could n't tell what was happening so I asked them to move so I could take the coal into Granny 's house .
24 I could n't tell what to put in that end column .
25 I could n't tell her mine was n't a route she 'd stand much chance of following .
26 The older of the young ones let out a sniggering laugh which developed into a hiccoughy laugh , the younger one hissed out , fuckin' bloody Paki ; a third voice , I could n't tell whose , said something which I did not quite understand but sounded like , and indeed was , National Front .
27 ‘ I do n't mind telling you , though I could n't tell anyone else .
28 I was in a situation where I could n't tell anyone .
29 I could n't tell anyone else this .
30 I could n't tell who .
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