Example sentences of "i [modal v] [verb] [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I may quote Professor Moule 's wise words again , ‘ Authentic Christianity finds itself uttering , in the power of the Spirit of God , the address of Jesus Christ the Son of God to God the Father , and thus bearing witness about Jesus to the world .
2 I may persuade Fräulein Aschmann to join me for tea at the Franz Joseph .
3 I ought to see George Carman , ’ said Ken Dodd .
4 I must tell Mrs Porter to — ’
5 I must fetch Mrs Peterson , ’ Ellen said .
6 I must congratulate Michael Calvin on his article ( Daily Telegraph , March 31 ) in which he highlighted my son being told to cover up the Olympic Rings on his Great Britain uniform , which he otherwise wore so proudly .
7 I must meet Dorian Gray , ’ said Lord Henry .
8 I 'm grateful to North Yorkshire and through you to the Strensall people for the arrangements and the use of the Village Hall and I think I must commend Mr Whipp for his fortitude through the last week or so .
9 But before we do , I must call Mr Kobold , tell him what I have found out and have him send some more money . ’
10 ‘ But first , for their vital help , I must thank Mark Reeder , Andy Denholm and George Henderson of the RAF Association in the Shetlands and most of all the donor , John Mann . ’
11 Finally , I must correct Mr Marnell 's inaccurate version of a quote I made at committee .
12 I must ask Queen Yolande why she acted as she did . ’
13 I must see Mr Devereux right away , ’ Barak announced through the open driver 's window .
14 ‘ Well , now I must write L'annonce faite à Cary . ’
15 I must say Professor Hoskin I was rather struck by pictures in the papers today , yesterday of Boris Yeltsin standing over a boar he 'd shot , it was strongly reminiscent of pictures we 've seen of the former president of Romania , Ceauşescu .
16 ‘ That 's my first win in the race , ’ Paul said afterwards ‘ and I must say La Greine gave me a great run . ’
17 Also I must say Robert Lobetta .
18 Well I must say Mr Mayor I was gratefully assured by the answer that councillor gave earlier on about the er strenuous efforts the council is making to improve the security at the Kingsway cash point as I now gather it 's called .
19 I must say Mr Pennington was very co-operative .
20 Let me , let me interrupt you here , I must support Saddam Hussein , I do n't believe he carried his own policies , I 'm concerned about the Iraqi people themselves .
21 ‘ Officially , I must learn Miss Kyte 's true identity .
22 ‘ Joe , do you think I should visit Miss Havisham again ? ’
23 If I were a publisher , I should give John Mortimer a fat retainer to stand by ready to cover the Aids cause celebre from day one .
24 PAMELA : Then , sir , why should your honour be so angry I should tell Mrs. Jervis what passed if you intended no harm ?
25 ( Perhaps I should award Dr Starkie an entry in my pocket guide to Flaubert ; or would that be unnecessarily vindictive ?
26 In county politics much the same attitude prevailed , for in 1799 Admiral Lord Keith 's chief complaint about a presentation made by Lord Elphinstone was that the latter had not seen fit to agree to the wishes of an important laird , remarking that ‘ I should suppose Lord E. does not recollect that the Gleneagles people have 3 votes in Dumbarton .
27 I should thought Mr Chairman that number nine one B that erm they could of found a
28 Perhaps he 's got sick of her already — I should think Luscious Luke is the love 'em and leave 'em type , would n't you ? ’
29 ‘ The village shop is short on lobster and I do n't see why I should pour Dom Perignon down people 's gullets . ’
30 But that meant I would be poor unless I married a rich wife , so he decided I should marry Bertha Mason , the daughter of his wealthy friend Jonas Mason .
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