Example sentences of "it might [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 One example is the doctrine of mistake in rape : it might appear to be ‘ inexorable logic ’ that if the offence of rape is only committed where D knew that the woman was not consenting or was reckless as to her non-consent , a mistaken belief that she was consenting would lead to an acquittal .
2 To engage in activities defined as ‘ craft ’ without thinking about it might appear to be a merry dance but the sludge is always there to be slipped up in .
3 The assumption that the primitive cell experienced ‘ desire ’ is not as absurd as at first it might appear to be , for there is no reason why the magnitude of the capacity of all living creatures to experience pain and pleasure , in any form , should not be considered measurable into hypothetical units .
4 ‘ How 's the ball lying , Roey ’ was the cry and , believe me , Mike Hughesdon and Clive Clark 's job is a lot harder than it might appear to be .
5 But the arrangement is more artful than it might appear to be at first sight .
6 Such a process is not just ‘ muddling along ’ , although it might appear to be so .
7 It might appear to be an attractive feature of the rational expectations hypothesis that it suggests such a simple method of incorporating expectations into macroeconomic models ; that is , use of the actual value of a variable to measure the expectation of it .
8 The relational perspective simply explores the social features of any knowledge process , regardless of any claims it might make to be independent of social determination .
9 It might prove to be a far more satisfying exercise than baiting me . ’
10 He hoped — just hoped — it might prove to be conclusive .
11 It was a bold experiment that is almost certain to be rewarded with full houses and , as the acoustics are to be softened , by tonight 's performance it might prove to be one of the better stagings .
12 It might get to be a bit of a bastard , the next few days , and then it might just get to be amusing .
13 Some power was always available — if only through the mythical Ways and Means Act — although it might have to be handled with kid gloves .
14 Yet not only could such a rearrangement be brought about , with the will to do so , but it might come to be seen as greatly to the general advantage of the school .
15 From the air it might seem to be an ideal landing-strip .
16 Due to a multiplicity of problems , the ‘ proper course of action ’ was not as evident as it might seem to be in retrospect .
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