Example sentences of "it now [verb] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Whether it was the unsavoury reputation of the government of Lloyd George ; or whether it was the division in the party between the followers of Lloyd George and the followers of Asquith ; or whether it was the aftermath of universal suffrage and the desire of the working man for a party which he could call his own — it now looked certain that the party division of the country would no longer lie between Liberal and Conservative but in a wider gulf between Conservative and Labour , with the Liberal Party on the sideline .
2 He aimed to operate an air route towards the end of this year , but he said it now looked likely that the service will begin early next spring .
3 It now becomes clear that if , as Luxemburg suggested , the rate of increase in unproductive consumption remains constant , but the
4 It now seemed extraordinary that so remote and irrelevant a place should ever loom so large in national and international affairs .
5 However , as it now seemed certain that the Company would be taken over by the new authority that was to unify public transport in London , before very long , these projects were left in abeyance .
6 The Bishop said the translator had attended very carefully to all the criticisms and it now seemed likely that we would have to wait until at least the end of the summer before the English edition appears .
7 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
8 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
9 It now seems probable that there were more churches in late Saxon and early medieval times than was formerly thought .
10 It now seems certain that St Paul 's Cathedral will not be surrounded by a modernist wall , but by a sympathetic series of buildings in the best classical tradition .
11 It now seems certain that , whichever party comes to power on 5 March , the latest funding measures will be upheld .
12 It now seems certain that cheap , convenient videoconferencing is at last going to reach a mass market of computer users .
13 If it now seems self-evident that monitoring of the global environment is necessary , indeed is even vital , the prediction of what is likely to happen is almost as important : the 170 000 people in the Maldives are understandably worried about the prospect of global sea-level change since no part of the islands is more than 2 m above present sea-level !
14 These have dramatically altered and of course improved archaeologists ' knowledge about the duration of various episodes within pre-history , and it now seems possible that archaeology , and particularly prehistoric archaeology , will eventually have a dated historical sequence as clear as that used by historians .
15 It now seems possible that they are guided by the low-frequency pseudosounds in the thermals .
16 It now seems possible that the Abortion Pill , as it 's come to be called , will be available some time next year .
17 But it now seems possible that Pask will never come back to court .
18 This was before the building of New Bridge Road and it now seems impossible that the large convoy of vehicles could ever make its way over the narrow bridges leading into the city .
19 It now seems inevitable that he will have to devalue within the ERM .
20 It now seems likely that a committee of inquiry into the hours and working practices of the Commons , staffed by senior MPs from all sides , could be announced shortly by the government .
21 It now seems likely that the eukaryotic cell itself — the basic structure from which are constructed the bodies of all animals , plants , and fungi — originally evolved as a symbiotic association between various bacteria ; that is , between various different prokaryotes .
22 It now seems likely that a ‘ joint list ’ of green candidates for local government posts will only be submitted in the Paris region , and the Alsace , An agreement reached in October 1982 that would have linked the Amis De La Terre ( AT ) , the Confederation Ecologiste and the Mouvement D'Ecologie Politique ( Now VPE ) disintegrated last month when it became clear that the VPE wanted to have a dominant say over its two partners .
23 It now seems likely that any such support will come direct from the SSI , already monitoring progress on implementation , ( News , 29 April ) .
24 ESA has already spent millions of dollars on Columbus , and it now seems likely that the redesign of Freedom will require a corresponding change in its space laboratory .
25 Although controversial , it now seems likely that the striking ‘ in vitro ’ findings of reduced neutrophil mobilisation and altered function in patients with inflammatory bowel disease are not intrinsic to the cell but reflect neutrophil conditioning by different inflammatory milieu .
26 It came to nothing and the two settled for the broadbrush alliance on the PowerPC RISC and the creation of Taligent Inc and Kaleida Inc , but it now seems clear that the idea of the big one still appeals to John Sculley , and according to the Independent on Sunday , Sculley was very much considered as the successor to John Akers , but his terms were that IBM sell the mainframe business and merge with Apple to create a profitable $30,000m a year company , and the courage of the outside directors failed them when they considered what announcement of such a deal might do to the IBM share price .
27 He was once credited with bringing back from Sweden the secret of how the mill worked , which he discovered while disguised as a wandering fiddler ( hence the nickname , ‘ Fiddler ’ Foley ) ; but it now seems clear that the first slitting mill in England was set up at Dartford , Kent , in 1590 .
28 It now seems clear that there had been intense military activity near Loughgall before last night 's shooting , as one eye witness recounts :
29 The plans , like those prepared in 1939 , included structural provision for two transepts , near the pulpit , to be built at a later stage , though it now seems unlikely that this will ever happen .
30 Though the epicuticular lipids play a major role in reducing water loss through the integument , it now seems unlikely that this depends on an oriented layer of wax molecules subject to disruption at a critical transition temperature ( Hackman , 1971 ) .
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