Example sentences of "it should be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I tend to think that it should really be left outside the development plan process and it should be for individual developers to prove exceptional needs .
2 It should be for free .
3 He recognised that the metrication of these properties had to be constructed , that measuring devices , or units of measurement , had to be devised , and so it should be for social and psychological phenomena .
4 However , when you tack it should be for tactical reasons .
5 Because it was on the other B B C one so it should be on this one as well .
6 And the suggestion was that it should be at nine thirty , and not ten thirty .
7 Young growing fish need a high quality diet , not only should the protein content be high ( around 40% ) but it should be of good quality and be readily digestible .
8 So from four we count five backwards count minus five just means count down the opposite way , so we go one , two , three , four , five , so it should be minus one .
9 If this tank contains no water ( it should be about one-third full when the system is on ) , check the operation of its ballvalve ( see BALLVALVE PROBLEMS again ) .
10 If this tank contains no water ( it should be about one-third full when the system is on ) , first check the operation of its ballvalve .
11 Surely it should be worth more for scoring a goal ?
12 It should be by four o'clock is collect every single mail on-site , sort it all out , internal or external .
13 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
14 Back in 1973 the Turin vice squad had a tip-off that all was not as it should be in one of the city 's massage parlours which offered a variety of therapeutic services , among them ‘ Overall body massage with opportunities for meditation ’ .
15 Why do you always want outside , it should be in any case .
16 The insurance valuation of the contents was probably lower than it should be in these days of rising prices , but if it could be taken as a guide and the amount split in two it might be regarded as fair .
17 Whatever you write , it should be in some sense original .
18 Now , on the corner of Monteoliveto , and only a short walk from other similar churches , he felt once again that little nag of doubt : maybe all this was not as it should be after all .
19 I would propose that any such amendment should be resisted on the ground that it is inappropriate that such a far-reaching change in the law should be included in a Criminal Justice Bill , and that , if any such change in the law were to be effected , it should be after full consideration in a separate Bill dealing solely with this subject .
20 It should be like that anyway .
21 They all got totally zonkers and were like running from machine to machine making and Benguiat the , not Benguiat , Brillo , was yelling it should be like this all the time .
22 It should be plus two .
23 If Patterson struts his stuff he 'll request a rider from Airborne just before eleven , so if anything is coming through it should be before eleven-fifteen . ’
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