Example sentences of "it should [vb infin] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It should have sent a search program down the cable first .
2 The answer , to be complete , should have stated the crimes for which the driver may be prosecuted ( manslaughter , causing death by reckless driving , or , in the magistrates ' court , driving without due care and attention ) ; it should have stated the requirements of each crime , so far as relevant ; and it should have pointed out that the burden of proving these requirements beyond reasonable doubt lies on the prosecution .
3 Still , at least if Lewis was watching us it should have done the trick .
4 It is surprising , therefore , that it should have rejected the claim that a boy 's ‘ slippering ’ at boarding school broke the convention — particularly as the court 's past rulings led to the outlawing of corporal punishment in state schools .
5 It should have determined the relative usefulness of the text , suggested the best way of tackling it and provided you with an impression of the scholarly stature and historiographical viewpoint of the book .
6 It should have become an I Tatti of modern French art ’
7 The wh the whole point is Steve , when it comes down to basic facts , it should have had a proper sealed unit chiller on it when it was new .
8 United were unlucky … so what 's new … they could or is it should have had a penalty in the second half when Chrissy Allen was brought down …
9 It is true that we are more enlightened than we were ; there is a public which has learnt to smile at the reviewer who declares that a line ‘ will not scan ’ , or that it contains a ‘ trochee ’ where it should have had an ‘ iamb ’ , without considering whether it was ever intended to ‘ scan ’ , or whether there is anything in English verse which can be treated as the absolute equivalent of a Greek or Latin trochee .
10 Days before the trading figures were due , when it should have recommended a long position , the firm was likely to recommend going short .
11 It should have spent a little more time looking at the serious work being carried out by the Health Education Authority and less time on carping criticisms of the authority 's work .
12 The dictionary is specifically wrong : it should have used the word ‘ rarely ’ instead .
13 Over 900 of them said : ‘ It should have come a long time ago — very few people have done more for charity , public service and their Party than you have ’ .
14 The AS/400 business is widely hailed as one of IBM 's few current successes : in fact it 's a failure — it should have won every System/36 user by now , and have won enough formerly non-IBM customers to be running at between $25,000m and $30,000m a year , not the $14,000m it is currently doing .
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