Example sentences of "it just [vb past] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Some of the cognoscenti had recognised why he was wearing the deaf-aid , but for the majority , it just seemed to be part of the character , justified by a couple of new lines .
2 But the basic discovery of the Detroit mentality was that a design did not have to be better engineered , more functional or more beautiful than what was already on the market in order to outsell it ; it just had to be newer .
3 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
4 It just had to be gone through .
5 Yes , it just had to be — a Mr Cutting .
6 As for the lads — it just had to be those gorgeously groomed guys Jason Priestly and Luke Perry , stars of Beverly Hills 90210 .
7 It just had to be upfront and radical .
8 Feeling certain that her imagination was playing tricks on her , Fabia , who knew that Ven was still in Prague , saw that it just had to be that Lubor owned an exactly identical pair of shoes .
9 It just had to be this year , when Anthony was champion , that they did n't .
10 McEnroe was philosophical : ‘ It just got to be too long where I had n't won the big one .
11 Anything could have sparked the riots , it just happened to be the injustice of Rodney King 's trial that triggered it this time .
12 It just happened to be the one which caused the glass to become overfilled and which caused the body to begin to signal being under excessive stress .
13 We made love , it just happened to be the first time for me .
14 But it just happened to be her best friend 's birthday and she was invited to a special birthday tea and to stay overnight . ’
15 And Robert , who was by now learning the basic rule that if anybody said anything interesting it was probably Muhammad , would ask if by any chance it just happened to be a saying of the Prophet , to which the headmaster would reply , his eyes shining , ‘ That 's it !
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