Example sentences of "it has [vb pp] [prep] i " in BNC.

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1 While I 've grown up in it , it has grown in me . ’
2 It has stayed with me and currently resides in my DOS directory .
3 That 's the difference it has made to me .
4 It has appeared to me , through all the seclusion of my life & the narrow experience it admitted of , that in nothing , men — & women too ! — were so apt to mistake their own feelings , as in this one thing .
5 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it has done with me .
6 ‘ No one knows more than me how much I owe to this country , how much I vow to give back to it for what it has done to me , ’ he said .
7 I 'm surprised at my abilities and how easily it has come to me .
8 At times , as I have researched this book , it has occurred to me that the second-hand book world is the only place left in England where knowledge of anything but the latest semi-literate fads still exists .
9 It has occurred to me to wonder what the previous experience has been of youngsters who savagely assault old people , whether they have ever been close to an old person .
10 It has occurred to me that other staff within the Royal Bank may be in a similar position to myself , holding a small number of shares which would cost more than their worth to sell .
11 Exultation comes and goes , but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel .
12 I 've had a wonderful run , and I 've enjoyed it hugely and I just ca n't say what it has meant to me over the past four marvellous Ryder Cups .
13 ‘ These two-three days , it has bothered at me , ’ Eachuinn Odhar admitted in a whisper .
14 The one position he or she should avoid is of being a kind of co-conspirator with the politician against the legitimate interests of the audience and that , it has seemed to me lately , is an increasingly easy trap to fall into .
15 In the past decade it has seemed to me , perhaps over-optimistically , that the logic of interaction was taking command over what we teach , and the things that we try to do .
16 It has happened to me before but this is the longest period .
17 He said : ‘ I know that getting the sack is an occupational hazard in football , but it 's the first time it has happened to me and it hurts .
18 ‘ It has been lowered over my head many times , and then , as I have reached up to smite it , it has passed before me and consumed many people .
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