Example sentences of "it 's [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and my Lord er in relation to this judgment er you 've got the courts setting out the principal at page er one stroke five , forty , paragraph fourteen of the judgment that 's the principal of suspension and it 's then got it 's conditions for suspension on the next page , paragraph twenty two
2 It 's income for life . ’
3 It 's money for preparation for the next phase of building work which is to restore the Grand Stair and the rainwater system which has failed .
4 Scotland 's last remaining independent whisky firm , Invergordon , has lost it 's battle for survival .
5 The Buffs is well-known for it 's work for charity and on Easter Monday all proceeds from a lunchtime ‘ bandbox ’ and evening show featuring Lee and Marie and Feelings will boost an appeal for the North Riding Infirmary .
6 No it 's K for kitten .
7 It 's cats for drowning , Donald .
8 Prost rules — but it 's pits for Hill !
9 Well it all depends if it 's value for money because we er , we fe we felt that it 's only one day .
10 ‘ The people of Philadelphia do n't want this type of film , ’ declared its District Attorney , ‘ It 's dirt for dirt 's sake . ’
11 It 's time for revolution , brothers and sisters — revolution ! ’ yells boy-preacher I'endeh Baptist , eyebrows furrowed , staring intently ahead .
12 After 'e 'as 'is tea 'e falls asleep in that chair an' 'e 's like that till it 's time for bed .
13 It 's time for bed , ’ Dacourt snapped .
14 ‘ But , as you say , Sir John , the hour is late and it 's time for bed . ’
15 It 's time for bed .
16 ‘ I think it 's time for bed , ’ he said softly .
17 It 's time for bed anyway .
18 You add all this other information and you constantly do that throughout the 24 hour day by saying that , ‘ it 's 11 o'clock , time for your coffee ’ , ‘ it 's twelve o'clock , it 's time for lunch ’ , and constantly giving your name and bringing them back to the present . ’
19 Meanwhile , back at Newent , it 's time for lunch .
20 Before you know it , it 's time for lunch and there 's nowhere more appropriate to stop for that , than The Swan at Whitchurch .
21 The major thrust may have been carried by a dozen committed individuals , but when push has come to shove , the YCCC have been able to fill meeting halls for important confrontations , and have succeeded in getting eight places out of eleven on the City Council filled by candidates representing a broad coalition under the slogan ‘ It 's time for change , ’ which campaigned specifically on local issues .
22 All over town it 's time for church-going .
23 Then a touch more star treatment and it 's time for recording .
24 Then a touch more star treatment and it 's time for recording .
25 Now it 's time for travel .
26 After breakfast , we go back to our rooms and get locked up until it 's time for dinner .
27 It 's time for Grammar
28 It 's time for Labour .
29 It 's time for Labour .
30 It shows that the people of the town believe it is time for change and that it 's time for Labour . ’
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