Example sentences of "it 's as [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Crikey it 's as tall as you .
2 if it 's as close as you like to zero ,
3 Probably because it 's as close as I have ever come to seeing myself and my friends up on the screen .
4 But given the opposing demands made on film productions before they are shown , I believe it 's as close as we may get towards an insight into the rank and file members of a movement that had a profound influence on Liverpool politics for a decade .
5 IT 'S AS disappointing as baked beans for Christmas dinner .
6 It 's as sure as hell you 're not getting engaged to him ! ’ he grated .
7 There are three worlds to explore : a tropical beach littered with lovely palm trees and lovelier nudists ( do n't get too excited — there are n't any graphics ) , a chilly Arctic zone , and of course the real world — well it 's as real as you 'll ever get in an Avery game !
8 ‘ Do n't know what it 's like inside but it 's as black as the ace of spades outside . ’
9 It 's as Norwegian as roast beef is British .
10 As a business it 's as circumscribed as any other , with A&R departments answerable to what Jeff Young describes as ‘ men in grey suits ’ shouting , ‘ Bottom line !
11 ‘ Well , it 's as far as I 'll go . ’
12 A laid-back little seaside resort regarded by Perth 's residents as being on their doorstep — although it 's as far as Aberdeen is from London — Kalbarri has a remote , island feel .
13 It 's as far as we can go .
14 That it 's expensive ; it 's as expensive as you want to make it .
15 It 's as dark as death out there .
16 You know it 's it 's as possible as it always has been .
17 It 's as good as The Living Body , is n't it ? ’ said Elinor .
18 I did n't want to use print film ; I just do n't think it 's as good as a slide film where you can get the saturation .
19 ‘ I call this my Holy Water , it 's as good as a tonic .
20 Then it 's as good as done , is n't it ? "
21 Well , it 's as good as any other .
22 The obvious two are Kevin Keegan — he 'd be crap … he 's just a jumped up little Geordie who still has n't shown he can produce a really imaginative team ; and Glen Hoddle — now , hed be my choice … why ? because he 's young , has the respect of the players , would introduce the concept of playing football into the national team ( after all , if you look at the individual skill level of English players it 's as good as just about anywhere in the world … it 's just that managers have refused to let them play ) .
23 It 's as good as any , ’ said Juliet .
24 ‘ Well , if it 's as good as your imagination …
25 It 's as good as you 're going to get , ’ he said silkily .
26 Generally , though , management 's view of the process had become ‘ it 's as good as it 's going to get . ’
27 It 's as good as anywhere .
28 and now it 's as good as new !
29 It 's as good as watching a video watching your holiday programmes and everything else .
30 My brain 's not defunct — it 's as sharp as it was when I was 21 .
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