Example sentences of "it had be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , in its home area of Macedonia it had been replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet , named after Cyril , even though he probably played no direct part in its development .
2 Nor can I forgive her for having blocked Moira 's appointment as BBC Governor for the Arts after it had been cleared by the Home Office .
3 It took Donna a moment or two to realize that it had been activated by some kind of electric eye .
4 In December 1920 , during a US Senate Sub-Committee hearing in Washington , one of the cable companies publicly revealed the duress under which it had been placed by the British Government .
5 Hitherto , it had been achieved by the male cells swimming through water , a process which demanded that the sexual generation be small and close to the ground .
6 After the death of King Olaf Tryggvason of Norway at the battle of Svold in 999 it had been ruled by Earl Eric of Lade and his brother Swegen under the sovereignty of Cnut 's father ; according to later Scandinavian tradition , Eric married Swegen Forkbeard 's daughter Gytha .
7 It had been written by a Syrian monk around 500 ad with the idea that contemplative monks were most like the highest orders of angels , closest to the Godhead in heaven .
8 The teacher , by now worn down by Mrs Singh 's refusal to accept Jeetinder 's limitations , told her that it had been written by ‘ a highly intelligent girl ’ .
9 Well when when it was first read by erm it was mentioned that it had been written by the Green Party by radio four and the Guardian and the Independent .
10 The school was connected with the Church in some way , although it had been built by Dalesfolk with dales money .
11 We had often seen its crumbling ramparts from a distance , and had assumed it was Dutch , but now learnt that it had been built by the islanders , long before the Europeans .
12 When it had been authenticated by its silver hallmarks , Sir Charles bought it and for the rest of his life regarded it as an important heirloom .
13 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
14 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
15 Now it had been joined by several cars and a coach was disgorging a gaggle of tourists .
16 The vegetable patch was hers and all the things in it had been grown by her loving hand without the help of a single gardener .
17 Mungo supposed that it had been given by , or taken from , Mr Zamoyski , since Vic was clearly not in the habit of buying smart footwear .
18 Any tax charge under ss671 and 672 is assessed under Case VI of Schedule D , and the settlor is entitled to any deduction or relief against it as if it had been received by him as income .
19 In this case , the plaintiff purchased a painting of Salisbury Cathedral from the defendants who innocently misrepresented that it had been painted by John Constable .
20 Instead it had been prepared by Bruno Loubet , master chef of the award-winning Four Seasons restaurant at London 's Inn on the Park .
21 With debates about feminism and culture it had been seen by many as the key to understanding our current dilemmas .
22 Train services on the Esk Valley line were delayed for a short time and the Sprinter train was allowed to continue its journey after it had been examined by experts .
23 The unit must take a fear test immediately just as if it had been charged by an enemy that caused fear .
24 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
25 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
26 A version of it had been announced by Faber and Faber , as " Mr Eliot 's Book of Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats as Recited to Him by the Man in White Spats " , in the spring of 1936 ; the blurb , written either by Frank Morley or by Eliot himself , explained that " several of the poems , illustrated by the author , have been in private circulation in the Publishers ' various families for a considerable time … "
27 They persuaded one sympathetic new bishop , Robert Grosseteste , that one of their claims ( that all new bishops in the province should be consecrated at Canterbury ) was genuine , and that it had been confirmed by Gregory IX .
28 Rather than reject Marxism on the grounds that it had been disproved by history , as Merleau-ponty had done , he sought to account for Stalinism through a dialectical analysis of the specific history of the Soviet Union since the Revolution : theory and practice , he argued , had become separated with the result that the former had become ‘ sclerosed ’ while the latter had become ‘ blind ’ and ‘ unprincipled ’ ( I , 50 ) .
29 It had been developed by John Mayo , a corporate finance director at SG Warburg , ICI 's advisers , together with company planners .
30 The Czechs were , like the Muscovites before them , primarily linguists , and they did not significantly alter the basic groundwork of Formalist literary theory as it had been developed by the late 1920s .
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