Example sentences of "it had [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Last week Shepherd Neame said it had leased 60 pubs .
2 Kent brewer Shepherd Neame said it had leased 60 Whitbread pubs in the south-east of England .
3 West Country pubs group J A Devenish said yesterday it had leased 115 pubs from Whitbread for eight years .
4 The Palings was an old building ; it had stood full face to the sea and the prevailing wind for the best part of a hundred years .
5 The problem in relation to whether the car was new arose because , before the car was delivered to the dealer , it had suffered some damage in a collision in a compound .
6 If , at first , his rule had appeared to be to the benefit of France , in the last years it had suffered considerable setbacks .
7 It had given great anxiety to him and his collagues on the bench .
8 It had given great anxiety to him and his collagues on the bench .
9 The Bush administration was reluctant to forgive Africa 's debt , even though it had pushed commercial banks towards solving part of the debt problem in Latin America .
10 It 's a pity it had to happen that way .
11 It had to happen one day , but not yet .
12 It had to happen some time .
13 When first surveyed , a few years ago , it had rendered outer walls and unprepossessing windows .
14 Eurotunnel , the company financing and overseeing the construction of the rail tunnel between France and the UK [ see p. 35469 ] , announced on May 28 , 1990 , that it had secured additional finance from the European Investment Bank , which had agreed to an increase in the project 's borrowing commitment from £1,000 million to £1,300 million , and that the majority of the 210 international banks supporting the tunnel project had agreed to allow the project to continue to borrow on its prevailing £5,000 million funding capacity .
15 While officially rejecting the deadlines as an ultimatum and conceding only that it would negotiate over the vexed issue of border controls , Slovenia announced on July 5 that it had demobilized 10,000 members of its defence forces .
16 By 1907 ITF activity was regarded by the shipowners as sufficiently serious to justify the setting up of an International Shipping Federation " to combat the growing forces of socialism and aggressive trade unionism " , but in reality it had made little progress in establishing international standards and the British market for seamen was still being substantially undercut by lower rates of pay of foreign labour .
17 Whatever had been achieved by the 1976 Act , it had made little impact on this case except for the removal of her name from the media .
18 Already it had made great play of how it had saved certain famous churches from its own bulldozers by moving them out of the path of destruction .
19 Before a prayer had formed itself , a young brown hand covered mine and I looked round to see the turbaned head of the Youngest Son , his face half covered by his head-scarf , his eyes laughing , his whole figure straight against the storm as though he and it had made some truce .
20 I had to concede it had made compelling reading , from an historical point of view , but I did not anticipate referring to its pages again , not in present circumstances .
21 Even this better-than-expected showing , however , does n't do that much for Sun 's margins because it had to promise free MP upgrades .
22 Whereas previously it had sanctioned minimal provision for all paupers , since the 1870s it had insisted upon strict application of the principles of 1834 in the selection of paupers , and restriction of their numbers wherever possible , while at the same time insisting on relief ‘ adequate to meet need ’ in all cases .
23 It had to carry enough fuel for over 20 hours airborne .
24 Reports on Jan. 30 said that two military judges in Padua examining the legality of " Gladio " had , in an interim indictment , charged the organization with " possible acts of terrorism " and claimed that it had maintained close links with the fascist " Marine Star " established after the Second World War .
25 The aged had , nevertheless , acquired ‘ a definite status in the community … and the ‘ pauper taint ’ [ was ] removed by a system of personal thrift organized by the state' , a provision for which the Conference congratulated itself , claiming to have succeeded because it had placed national interests over and above political tactics .
26 The EMS , founded in 1979 , had not collapsed as had been predicted in many quarters , rather it had achieved some success in stabilising exchange rate fluctuations , and in helping to promote convergence of inflation rates .
27 It had projected total spending at SR143,000 million ( $38,100 million ) , and a deficit of SR25,000 million ( $6,700 million ) .
28 He admitted fondling his ex-girlfriend 's daughter , but Social services assumed it had accurred 5 years before and his own children were n't in danger .
29 There was another reason , of course , but he was not prepared to admit even to himself that it had played any part in his decision .
30 He wished that the BMA would now stop ‘ quibbling ’ and accept the assurance that it had accepted last week that patients will get all the drugs they need , he added .
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