Example sentences of "it will [adv] [vb infin] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier it had been on view at 66 Portland Place , and it will shortly complete its run in Folkestone .
2 Malcolm Dalkin of LV Motors , who produce the Aerogen wind generator range , maintains that if a tiny trickle charge is put back into a yacht 's batteries it will both maintain their performance and could increase their lifespan by two or three years .
3 When a puppy is settled in the home with you it will soon indicate its willingness to play even though you may not approve of the choice of toy .
4 Such excitements are rare ; The Hague has a few clubs and theatres and it will soon have its own ballet company , but for the most part the Hagenaars , as the residents are known , spend their evenings at home and retire at a respectable hour .
5 A pistol is pointed at its head , because it has been warned that , in the next year , there will be a further review under which it is likely that it will again lose its statutory framework and be cast adrift into voluntarism along with the 22 other boards which have been dismantled in the past eight to nine years .
6 ‘ AT THE tail-end of 14 years in power our rump of a Conservative Government can think of nothing but half-hearted socialist measures , as if through introducing socialism by the back door it will somehow ease its own exit by the front ’ — Commentator Auberon Waugh .
7 Young women may be reluctant to join long-established organizations which are patronized chiefly by older women , because they fear it will somehow drown their own up-to-date and dynamic image .
8 It will also aid our understanding of the wider effects of the Education Reform Act , with special reference to the enhanced role given to governing bodies and parent forums , and also to the relative diminution in the position of the LEAs .
9 It will also answer your two questions — why Van Gelder and I are on the wagon and why the six survivors have been — well , locked up out of harm 's way .
10 It will also find its way onto the shelves of most major university libraries .
11 It will also sell its 70% stake in its Taiwanese factory , in exchange for cancellation of about $150m in debt , and 51% of its sales unit in Taiwan will be sold to local partners — Wang will continue to receive 49% of the Taiwan operations profits , but its sales will no longer be included in Wang 's consolidated figures .
12 It will also increase its equity base and consequently improve its gearing and its ability to borrow further .
13 Overnight , in a flash-flood , it will dramatically move its banks , depositing shoals and cutting new channels .
14 It will be making early morning visits to the boulder beaches and broken cliffs where it will later lay its two large spotted eggs well out of sight in some crevice .
15 Menlo Park , California-based Cisco Systems Inc wo n't be for too much longer : it has signed a lease agreement for a 46-acre site in northern San Jose , to which it will eventually move its headquarters .
16 It will probably make its own investigations into the conflict as well .
17 It 's not only a working instrument but the kind of guitar that you feel like picking up and playing at any time ; when it 's not wowing the punters it will probably spend its time lying on the sofa permanently on call .
18 Well I better not tell them because it will completely spoil their holiday but erm it 's h it 's interesting because we 've been mentioning it to other people I 'm sure they 've never .
19 Sheringham is n't a long course , but it will certainly test your technique .
20 But tell it in England , for it will entirely restore my character. ,
21 It will faithfully record your nightmarish , most avant garde guitar parts — bass , rhythm or lead .
22 I wish you would n't go , it will quite ruin your new clothes — ’
23 ( 7 ) If the Panel 's decision touches on some novel or important issue it will often publish its findings to serve as guidance to third parties .
24 Treat your skin to Empathy and it will never feel its age .
25 It takes only a few minutes to carry out this simple exercise , but it will greatly improve your ability to recognise genuinely lost coins when your search head passes over them .
26 It will greatly help your chances if you are fluent in a second language , ’ she says .
27 It will only make my clothes much worse . ’
28 However , the bargain must be made well in advance ; it will only undermine your disciplinary strategy if you wait until he is lying on the floor , kicking and screaming and refusing to go to the shops , and then begin promising ice-cream .
29 This does n't matter , because it will still underlie your response .
30 It will definitely give your child the edge when they start to learn word processing at school .
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