Example sentences of "it and [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally , Praxis would like IBM to adopt the installer , productise it and bundle it with the RS/6000 , though it is ‘ far too early ’ to say whether this might happen , says the firm 's Stephen Robertson .
2 Expand it and throw it onto the ground on the other side of the wheelbarrow .
3 The little girl hesitantly offered the bowl to Marion , who for a moment looked as if she would snatch it and throw it at her .
4 Er I 'd store it and use it with whatever I 'm asked to use it with .
5 ‘ No , absolutely not , though people can take information from it and use it for that purpose if they 're so minded .
6 And you 're quite sure that while the car was down in Streatley , the thieves who I 'm after would n't have had a chance to take it and use it for their break-in ? ’
7 Young children often play with just one block at a time ; they may stand on it , sit on it and use it in their imaginative play as a parcel , steering wheel or tool .
8 ‘ If we want a lively and thriving democracy we have to enable people to have information in a way in which they can deal with it and use it in a way which enhances their understanding of the subject . ’
9 Indeed , as Amiss saw with fascination , his first act on sitting down to breakfast was to open the tabloid at page three , fold it and prop it against the sugar bowl in such a way that the topless pin-up of the day was there to be looked at every time he got bored with the Telegraph .
10 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
11 ‘ We 'll have to snap him out of it and keep him to the exercises or he 'll ruin himself . ’
12 But one tried to put a good face on it and keep them to oneself .
13 As the recently-formed RAF Museum was still several years away from having its own permanent display building , D'Arcy persuaded the Air Historical Branch to release PA474 to him in order that he could properly restore it and keep it under cover .
14 Once it 's cool , cover it and keep it at 5°C or colder , or freeze it .
15 Where in previous years these vessels had been purely large fishing vessels loading salted fish into barrels for immediate export to their own ports , now there came great numbers of large factory ships and modern trawlers which could process fish , package it and freeze it for indefinite periods .
16 I must simply learn what I can from it and apply it to my work .
17 I must simply learn what I can from it and apply it to my work .
18 So , Sir , because of that quality of the Queen 's Speech , I support it and recommend it to the House .
19 This formal writing-up took nearly twenty years : it is one thing to collect data , and another to evaluate it and make it into public knowledge .
20 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
21 She saw Adam take two strides to it and grip it in his hands .
22 Where Ken wanted to jolly the world along , Bernard wanted to push it and shove it for its own good .
23 The aim is to arrange the rig in such a way that the wind can blow under it and release it from the water .
24 ‘ Its purpose is to help middle and secondary schools plan their overall curriculum to include an adequate coverage of pupils ’ study needs : the ability to formulate and focus a question , find possible sources , judge their appropriateness , extract the relevant information , reorganize it and prepare it for future use , or reorganize it and prepare it for future presentation to others .
25 ‘ Its purpose is to help middle and secondary schools plan their overall curriculum to include an adequate coverage of pupils ’ study needs : the ability to formulate and focus a question , find possible sources , judge their appropriateness , extract the relevant information , reorganize it and prepare it for future use , or reorganize it and prepare it for future presentation to others .
26 Instead , fill in the section at the foot of the page overleaf , detach it and return it at once , with the complete Renewal Notice .
27 Instead , fill in the section below , detach it and return it at once , with the complete Renewal Notice .
28 About 1890 , 100 years after his grandfather had presented the horn , Sir Charles Tennant , aware of the family tradition connecting the horn with Robert Burns and his poem Tam O' Shanter , decided to trace it and return it to the family 's safe-keeping .
29 As each piece was released , Judith took it in charge to chop it up finely on the wooden board , then season it and return it to her mother .
30 When you have done so please sign it and return it to me immediately in the pre-paid envelope provided .
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