Example sentences of "it be [verb] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 When the parties are evenly balanced in the Commons or when the Government has to depend for support upon minority parties , the Prime Minister may well let it be understood that he will not resign or call an election on an adverse vote in the Commons except on an explicit issue of confidence .
2 Nor can it be denied that he has done nothing .
3 Alfred Rosmer gave an amusing but enlightening insight into Bukharin 's character and role in 1920 , and let it be recalled that he was only 32 years old in that year .
4 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
5 In 1901 the question of the Sovereign 's Accession Declaration and Coronation Oath became public when Edward VII , with his High Church views , let it be known that he thoroughly detested the clauses denouncing the Mass .
6 The national Church does not entirely escape responsibility for this situation ; within living memory the bishop of one major see let it be known that he would not be available to officiate at services on Good Friday since he had to start the boat race at his old school .
7 In Berlin , Bismarck let it be known that he saw nothing wrong with the proposed solution , though he backed away from too openly supporting it in the face of a general outcry from the other European courts .
8 Once the transactions were over — transactions which had taken this house out of the hands of the Darlington family after two centuries — Mr Farraday let it be known that he would not be taking up immediate residence here , but would spend a further four months concluding matters in the United States .
9 ‘ Prof. Francis ’ was tolerated because he was so amiable ; he had let it be known that he had taught piano in an unnamed music conservatory somewhere , hence the professorship .
10 He would also have known that Palmerston , having let it be known that he had asked Scott to submit a new design , was very unlikely to change his mind , and it was perhaps to give the appearance of some purpose to the delegation that he and Tite made their request for another competition .
11 Long before Neil Kinnock let it be known that he had let his membership of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament lapse , the Labour Party and CND had been growing apart .
12 By a chance remark in passing in the Sierra hotel bar where the foreigners were billeted , a remark in the hearing of a senior Iraqi scientist , the Swede had let it be known that he found the missile programme tedious , that he really needed more challenging work .
13 Once Tim Renton let it be known that he was not seeking reappointment , David Mellor became a strong candidate , not only for his passionate interest in classical music and football .
14 It was a subject Earl Mountbatten discussed endlessly with the Queen during afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace while Prince Philip let it be known that he was growing impatient with his son 's irresponsible approach to marriage .
15 Baldwin encouraged it to do so — by inviting an unacceptable resolution , by promoting a secret ballot , and letting it be known that he would resign if defeated .
16 He ate food that cost little and let it be known that he underwent severe penances and fasting .
17 Hafez al-Assad , the President of Syria and the long-term adversary of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein , quickly let it be known that he would not attend a summit in Baghdad , and the ensuing efforts of some Arab leaders to persuade Assad to attend were of little use .
18 Prior to taking office Aristide let it be known that he intended to remain outside the existing structure of political parties within Haiti .
19 He had let it be known that he would resign as faction leader and as a member of the Diet if he was publicly prosecuted in connection with the Sagawa Kyubin scandal .
20 The Heath and Maudling camps were already at work ; but then Enoch Powell let it be known that he too would be running .
21 Prior to the meeting , Prime Minister John Major had let it be known that he would try to persuade his fellow leaders to attend the UNCED " Earth Summit " conference to be held in Brazil next June , but this was not mentioned in the conference communiqué .
22 The penalty for failure to do so was likely to be dire because not only individuals but nations were chastised for their sins , and can it be expected that He will suffer this great iniquity to go unpunished ? ’
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