Example sentences of "it for me [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He oiled it , pumped up the tyres and held it for me while I had a go , just in the yard at first .
2 you u u use your brain a bit more , see now if er they used to come to me , my brother was one , he 'd come to me and he 'd say , right I 've got a heavy lift , so will you come up here and sling it for me but we had to put the slings round the heavy lift , say , I say right I 'll come up and another time we had a railway carriage come down like that 'll be shipped abroad , old railway carriage .
3 The footman came and dismantled it for me and I brought a chair to the French windows , quite casually , and there was natural light coming in .
4 ’ But she bought it for me and it 's brilliant .
5 ‘ I know it sounds absurd , but please do it for me or I might go out of my mind again , and really smash the living daylights out of him ! ’
6 ‘ Do it for me because you love me . ’
7 I suspected it last night , and you confirmed it for me when I touched you in the lift on the way up to the restaurant tonight .
8 In Chester one shop had one copy left and would save it for me if I could get there that afternoon .
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